H2Lib  3.0
dh2compression.h File Reference
#include "dh2matrix.h"
#include "truncation.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


pdclusterbasis buildrow_amatrix_dclusterbasis (pcamatrix G, pcdblock b, pctruncmode tm, real eps)
 Construct a directional row basis for an array matrix. More...
pdclusterbasis buildcol_amatrix_dclusterbasis (pcamatrix G, pcdblock b, pctruncmode tm, real eps)
 Construct a directional column basis for an array matrix. More...
void collectdense_dh2matrix (pcamatrix a, pcdclusterbasis rb, uint rd, pcdclusterbasis cb, uint cd, pamatrix s)
 Compute the optimal coupling matrix for a given matrix and given orthogonal row and column cluster bases. More...
void projectdense_dh2matrix (pcamatrix a, pdh2matrix h2)
 Fill a given dh2matrix object with the optimal coefficients for the approximation of a given matrix. More...

Detailed Description

Steffen Börm