H2Lib  3.0
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
helmholtzbem3d.h File Reference
#include "bem3d.h"

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Data Structures

struct  _helmholtz_data
 Simple struct that containts the wavevector $\vec \kappa$ and some source point. More...


#define KERNEL_CONST_HELMHOLTZBEM3D   0.0795774715459476679
 Constant that originates from the fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation. The value is $ 1 / 4 \pi $.


typedef struct _helmholtz_data helmholtz_data
 Typedef of the struct _helmholtz_data.


pbem3d new_slp_helmholtz_bem3d (field k, pcsurface3d gr, uint q_regular, uint q_singular, basisfunctionbem3d row_basis, basisfunctionbem3d col_basis)
 Creates a new bem3d-object for computation of single layer potential matrix of the Helmholtz equation. More...
pbem3d new_dlp_helmholtz_bem3d (field k, pcsurface3d gr, uint q_regular, uint q_singular, basisfunctionbem3d row_basis, basisfunctionbem3d col_basis, field alpha)
 Creates a new bem3d-object for computation of double layer potential matrix plus a scalar times the mass matrix of the Helmholtz equation. More...
pbem3d new_adlp_helmholtz_bem3d (field k, pcsurface3d gr, uint q_regular, uint q_singular, basisfunctionbem3d row_basis, basisfunctionbem3d col_basis, field alpha)
 Creates a new bem3d-object for computation of adjoint double layer potential matrix plus a scalar times the mass matrix of the Helmholtz equation. More...
void del_helmholtz_bem3d (pbem3d bem)
 Delete a bem3d object for the Helmholtz equation. More...
field rhs_dirichlet_point_helmholtzbem3d (const real *x, const real *n, const void *data)
 A function based upon the fundamental solution, that will serve as Dirichlet values. More...
field rhs_neumann_point_helmholtzbem3d (const real *x, const real *n, const void *data)
 A function based upon the fundamental solution, that will serve as Neumann values. More...
field rhs_robin_point_helmholtzbem3d (const real *x, const real *n, const void *data)
 A function based upon the fundamental solution, that will serve for Robin boundary conditions. More...
field rhs_dirichlet_plane_helmholtzbem3d (const real *x, const real *n, const void *data)
 A function based upon a plane wave, that will serve as Dirichlet values. More...
field rhs_neumann_plane_helmholtzbem3d (const real *x, const real *n, const void *data)
 A function based upon the plane wave, that will serve as Neumann values. More...
field rhs_robin_plane_helmholtzbem3d (const real *x, const real *n, const void *data)
 A function based upon the fundamental solution, that will serve for Robin boundary conditions. More...

Detailed Description

Sven Christophersen