H2Lib  3.0
Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

This module contains main algorithms to solve boundary element method problems in 3 dimensional space. More...

Data Structures

struct  _bem3d
 Main container object for computation of BEM related matrices and vectors. More...
struct  _kernelbem3d
 Substructure containing callback functions to different types of kernel evaluations. More...
struct  _listnode
 simple singly linked list to store unsigned inter values. More...
struct  _tri_list
 Simple singly connected list to efficiently store a list of triangles. More...
struct  _vert_list
 Simple singly connected list to efficiently store a list of vertices. More...


typedef struct _bem3d bem3d
typedef bem3dpbem3d
typedef const bem3dpcbem3d
typedef struct _aprxbem3d aprxbem3d
typedef aprxbem3dpaprxbem3d
typedef const aprxbem3dpcaprxbem3d
typedef struct _parbem3d parbem3d
typedef parbem3dpparbem3d
typedef const parbem3dpcparbem3d
typedef struct _kernelbem3d kernelbem3d
typedef kernelbem3dpkernelbem3d
typedef const kernelbem3dpckernelbem3d
typedef void(* quadpoints3d) (pcbem3d bem, const real bmin[3], const real bmax[3], const real delta, real(**Z)[3], real(**N)[3])
 Callback function type for parameterizations. More...
typedef enum _basisfunctionbem3d basisfunctionbem3d
typedef field(* boundary_func3d) (const real *x, const real *n, void *data)
typedef field(* kernel_func3d) (const real *x, const real *y, const real *nx, const real *ny, void *data)
 Evaluate a fundamental solution or its normal derivatives at points x and y. More...
typedef field(* kernel_wave_func3d) (const real *x, const real *y, const real *nx, const real *ny, pcreal dir, void *data)
 Evaluate a modified fundamental solution or its normal derivatives at points x and y. More...
typedef struct _listnode listnode
typedef listnodeplistnode
typedef struct _tri_list tri_list
typedef tri_listptri_list
typedef struct _vert_list vert_list
typedef vert_listpvert_list


enum  _basisfunctionbem3d { BASIS_NONE_BEM3D = 0, BASIS_CONSTANT_BEM3D = 'c', BASIS_LINEAR_BEM3D = 'l' }
 Possible types of basis functions. More...


pvert_list new_vert_list (pvert_list next)
 Create a new list to store a number of vertex indices. More...
void del_vert_list (pvert_list vl)
 Recursively deletes a vert_list. More...
ptri_list new_tri_list (ptri_list next)
 Create a new list to store a number of triangles indices. More...
void del_tri_list (ptri_list tl)
 Recursively deletes a tri_list. More...
pbem3d new_bem3d (pcsurface3d gr, basisfunctionbem3d row_basis, basisfunctionbem3d col_basis)
 Main constructor for bem3d objects. More...
void del_bem3d (pbem3d bem)
 Destructor for bem3d objects. More...
pclustergeometry build_bem3d_const_clustergeometry (pcbem3d bem, uint **idx)
 Creates a clustergeometry object for a BEM-Problem using piecewise constant basis functions. More...
pclustergeometry build_bem3d_linear_clustergeometry (pcbem3d bem, uint **idx)
 Creates a clustergeometry object for a BEM-Problem using linear basis functions. More...
pclustergeometry build_bem3d_clustergeometry (pcbem3d bem, uint **idx, basisfunctionbem3d basis)
 Creates a clustergeometry object for a BEM-Problem using the type of basis functions specified by basis. More...
pcluster build_bem3d_cluster (pcbem3d bem, uint clf, basisfunctionbem3d basis)
 Creates a clustertree for specified basis functions. More...
void assemble_cc_near_bem3d (const uint *ridx, const uint *cidx, pcbem3d bem, bool ntrans, pamatrix N, kernel_func3d kernel)
 Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise constant basis functions for both Ansatz and test functions. More...
void assemble_cc_far_bem3d (const uint *ridx, const uint *cidx, pcbem3d bem, bool ntrans, pamatrix N, kernel_func3d kernel)
 Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise constant basis functions for both Ansatz and test functions. More...
void assemble_cl_near_bem3d (const uint *ridx, const uint *cidx, pcbem3d bem, bool ntrans, pamatrix N, kernel_func3d kernel)
 Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise constant basis functions for Test and piecewise linear basis functions for Ansatz functions. More...
void assemble_cl_far_bem3d (const uint *ridx, const uint *cidx, pcbem3d bem, bool ntrans, pamatrix N, kernel_func3d kernel)
 Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise constant basis functions for Test and piecewise linear basis functions for Ansatz functions. More...
void assemble_lc_near_bem3d (const uint *ridx, const uint *cidx, pcbem3d bem, bool ntrans, pamatrix N, kernel_func3d kernel)
 Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise linear basis functions for Test and piecewise contant basis functions for Ansatz functions. More...
void assemble_lc_far_bem3d (const uint *ridx, const uint *cidx, pcbem3d bem, bool ntrans, pamatrix N, kernel_func3d kernel)
 Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise linear basis functions for Test and piecewise contant basis functions for Ansatz functions. More...
void assemble_ll_near_bem3d (const uint *ridx, const uint *cidx, pcbem3d bem, bool ntrans, pamatrix N, kernel_func3d kernel)
 Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise linear basis functions for both Ansatz and test functions. More...
void assemble_ll_far_bem3d (const uint *ridx, const uint *cidx, pcbem3d bem, bool ntrans, pamatrix N, kernel_func3d kernel)
 Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise linear basis functions for both Ansatz and test functions. More...
void fill_bem3d (pcbem3d bem, const real(*X)[3], const real(*Y)[3], const real(*NX)[3], const real(*NY)[3], pamatrix V, kernel_func3d kernel)
 Evaluate a kernel function $g$ at some points $x_i$ and $y_j$. More...
void fill_wave_bem3d (pcbem3d bem, const real(*X)[3], const real(*Y)[3], const real(*NX)[3], const real(*NY)[3], pamatrix V, pcreal dir, kernel_wave_func3d kernel)
 Evaluate a modified kernel function $g_c$ at some points $x_i$ and $y_j$ for some direction $c$. More...
void fill_row_c_bem3d (const uint *idx, const real(*Z)[3], pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V, kernel_func3d kernel)
 This function will integrate a kernel function $g$ on the boundary domain in the first argument using piecewise constant basis function. For the second argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V. More...
void fill_col_c_bem3d (const uint *idx, const real(*Z)[3], pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V, kernel_func3d kernel)
 This function will integrate a kernel function $g$ on the boundary domain in the second argument using piecewise constant basis function. For the first argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V. More...
void fill_row_l_bem3d (const uint *idx, const real(*Z)[3], pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V, kernel_func3d kernel)
 This function will integrate a kernel function $g$ on the boundary domain in the first argument using piecewise linear basis function. For the second argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V. More...
void fill_col_l_bem3d (const uint *idx, const real(*Z)[3], pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V, kernel_func3d kernel)
 This function will integrate a kernel function $g$ on the boundary domain in the second argument using piecewise linear basis function. For the first argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V. More...
void fill_dnz_row_c_bem3d (const uint *idx, const real(*Z)[3], const real(*N)[3], pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V, kernel_func3d kernel)
 This function will integrate a normal derivative of a kernel function $g$ with respect to $z$ on the boundary domain in the first argument using piecewise constant basis function. For the second argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V. More...
void fill_dnz_col_c_bem3d (const uint *idx, const real(*Z)[3], const real(*N)[3], pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V, kernel_func3d kernel)
 This function will integrate a normal derivative of a kernel function $g$ with respect to $z$ on the boundary domain in the second argument using piecewise constant basis function. For the first argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V. More...
void fill_dnz_row_l_bem3d (const uint *idx, const real(*Z)[3], const real(*N)[3], pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V, kernel_func3d kernel)
 This function will integrate a normal derivative of a kernel function $g$ with respect to $z$ on the boundary domain in the first argument using piecewise linear basis function. For the second argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V. More...
void fill_dnz_col_l_bem3d (const uint *idx, const real(*Z)[3], const real(*N)[3], pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V, kernel_func3d kernel)
 This function will integrate a normal derivative of a kernel function $g$ with respect to $z$ on the boundary domain in the second argument using piecewise linear basis function. For the first argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V. More...
void setup_hmatrix_recomp_bem3d (pbem3d bem, bool recomp, real accur_recomp, bool coarsen, real accur_coarsen)
 Initialize the bem object for on the fly recompression techniques. More...
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_row_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pccluster rc, pccluster cc, pcblock tree, uint m)
 This function initializes the bem3d object for approximating a matrix with tensorinterpolation within the row cluster. More...
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_col_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pccluster rc, pccluster cc, pcblock tree, uint m)
 This function initializes the bem3d object for approximating a matrix with tensorinterpolation within the column cluster. More...
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_mixed_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pccluster rc, pccluster cc, pcblock tree, uint m)
 This function initializes the bem3d object for approximating a matrix with tensorinterpolation within one of row or column cluster. More...
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_green_row_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pccluster rc, pccluster cc, pcblock tree, uint m, uint l, real delta, quadpoints3d quadpoints)
 creating hmatrix approximation using green's method with row cluster . More...
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_green_col_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pccluster rc, pccluster cc, pcblock tree, uint m, uint l, real delta, quadpoints3d quadpoints)
 creating hmatrix approximation using green's method with column cluster . More...
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_green_mixed_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pccluster rc, pccluster cc, pcblock tree, uint m, uint l, real delta, quadpoints3d quadpoints)
 creating hmatrix approximation using green's method with one of row or column cluster . More...
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_greenhybrid_row_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pccluster rc, pccluster cc, pcblock tree, uint m, uint l, real delta, real accur, quadpoints3d quadpoints)
 creating hmatrix approximation using green's method with row cluster connected with recompression technique using ACA. More...
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_greenhybrid_col_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pccluster rc, pccluster cc, pcblock tree, uint m, uint l, real delta, real accur, quadpoints3d quadpoints)
 creating hmatrix approximation using green's method with column cluster connected with recompression technique using ACA. More...
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_greenhybrid_mixed_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pccluster rc, pccluster cc, pcblock tree, uint m, uint l, real delta, real accur, quadpoints3d quadpoints)
 creating hmatrix approximation using green's method with row or column cluster connected with recompression technique using ACA. More...
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_aca_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pccluster rc, pccluster cc, pcblock tree, real accur)
 Approximate matrix block with ACA using full pivoting. More...
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_paca_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pccluster rc, pccluster cc, pcblock tree, real accur)
 Approximate matrix block with ACA using partial pivoting. More...
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_hca_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pccluster rc, pccluster cc, pcblock tree, uint m, real accur)
 Approximate matrix block with hybrid cross approximation using Interpolation and ACA with full pivoting. More...
void setup_h2matrix_recomp_bem3d (pbem3d bem, bool hiercomp, real accur_hiercomp)
 Enables hierarchical recompression for hmatrices. More...
void setup_h2matrix_aprx_inter_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pcclusterbasis rb, pcclusterbasis cb, pcblock tree, uint m)
 Initialize the bem3d object for approximating a h2matrix with tensorinterpolation. More...
void setup_h2matrix_aprx_greenhybrid_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pcclusterbasis rb, pcclusterbasis cb, pcblock tree, uint m, uint l, real delta, real accur, quadpoints3d quadpoints)
 Initialize the bem3d object for approximating a h2matrix with green's method and ACA based recompression. More...
void setup_h2matrix_aprx_greenhybrid_ortho_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pcclusterbasis rb, pcclusterbasis cb, pcblock tree, uint m, uint l, real delta, real accur, quadpoints3d quadpoints)
 Initialize the bem3d object for approximating a h2matrix with green's method and ACA based recompression. The resulting clusterbasis will be orthogonal. More...
void setup_dh2matrix_aprx_inter_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pcdclusterbasis rb, pcdclusterbasis cb, pcdblock tree, uint m)
 Initialize the bem3d object for an interpolation based $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix approximation. More...
void setup_dh2matrix_aprx_inter_ortho_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pcdclusterbasis rb, pcdclusterbasis cb, pcdblock tree, uint m)
 Initialize the bem3d object for an interpolation based $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix approximation with orthogonal directional cluster basis. More...
void setup_dh2matrix_aprx_inter_recomp_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pcdclusterbasis rb, pcdclusterbasis cb, pcdblock tree, uint m, ptruncmode tm, real eps)
 Initialize the bem3d object for an interpolation based $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix approximation with orthogonal directional cluster basis. During the filling process the $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix will be recompressed with respective to truncmode and the given accuracy eps. More...
void assemble_bem3d_amatrix (pbem3d bem, pamatrix G)
 Assemble a dense matrix for some boundary integral operator given by bem. More...
void assemble_bem3d_hmatrix (pbem3d bem, pblock b, phmatrix G)
 Fills a hmatrix with a predefined approximation technique. More...
void assemblecoarsen_bem3d_hmatrix (pbem3d bem, pblock b, phmatrix G)
 Fills a hmatrix with a predefined approximation technique using coarsening strategy. More...
void assemble_bem3d_nearfield_hmatrix (pbem3d bem, pblock b, phmatrix G)
 Fills the nearfield blocks of a hmatrix. More...
void assemble_bem3d_farfield_hmatrix (pbem3d bem, pblock b, phmatrix G)
 Fills the farfield blocks of a hmatrix with a predefined approximation technique. More...
void assemble_bem3d_h2matrix_row_clusterbasis (pcbem3d bem, pclusterbasis rb)
 This function computes the matrix entries for the nested clusterbasis $ V_t \, , t \in \mathcal T_{\mathcal I} $. More...
void assemble_bem3d_h2matrix_col_clusterbasis (pcbem3d bem, pclusterbasis cb)
 This function computes the matrix entries for the nested clusterbasis $ W_s \, , s \in \mathcal T_{\mathcal J} $. More...
void assemble_bem3d_h2matrix (pbem3d bem, ph2matrix G)
 Fills a h2matrix with a predefined approximation technique. More...
void assemble_bem3d_nearfield_h2matrix (pbem3d bem, ph2matrix G)
 Fills the nearfield part of a h2matrix. More...
void assemble_bem3d_farfield_h2matrix (pbem3d bem, ph2matrix G)
 Fills a h2matrix with a predefined approximation technique. More...
void assemblehiercomp_bem3d_h2matrix (pbem3d bem, pblock b, ph2matrix G)
 Fills an h2matrix with a predefined approximation technique using hierarchical recompression. More...
void assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_row_dclusterbasis (pcbem3d bem, pdclusterbasis rb)
 This function computes the matrix entries for the nested dclusterbasis $ V_t \, , t \in \mathcal T_{\mathcal I} $. More...
void assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_col_dclusterbasis (pcbem3d bem, pdclusterbasis cb)
 This function computes the matrix entries for the nested dclusterbasis $ W_s \, , s \in \mathcal T_{\mathcal J} $. More...
void assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_ortho_row_dclusterbasis (pcbem3d bem, pdclusterbasis rb, pdclusteroperator ro)
 Function for filling a directional row cluster basis with orthogonal matrices. More...
void assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_ortho_col_dclusterbasis (pcbem3d bem, pdclusterbasis cb, pdclusteroperator co)
 Function for filling a directional column cluster basis with orthogonal matrices. More...
void assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_recomp_both_dclusterbasis (pcbem3d bem, pdclusterbasis rb, pdclusteroperator bro, pdclusterbasis cb, pdclusteroperator bco, pcdblock broot)
 Function for filling both directional cluster bases with orthogonal matrices. More...
void assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix (pbem3d bem, pdh2matrix G)
 Fills a dh2matrix with a predefined approximation technique. More...
void assemble_bem3d_nearfield_dh2matrix (pbem3d bem, pdh2matrix G)
 Fills the nearfield part of a dh2matrix. More...
void assemble_bem3d_farfield_dh2matrix (pbem3d bem, pdh2matrix G)
 Fills a dh2matrix with a predefined approximation technique. More...
void assemble_bem3d_lagrange_c_amatrix (const uint *idx, pcrealavector px, pcrealavector py, pcrealavector pz, pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V)
 This function will integrate Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using piecewise constant basis function and store the results in a matrix V. More...
void assemble_bem3d_lagrange_wave_c_amatrix (const uint *idx, pcrealavector px, pcrealavector py, pcrealavector pz, pcreal dir, pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V)
 This function will integrate modified Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using piecewise constant basis function and store the results in a matrix V. More...
void assemble_bem3d_lagrange_l_amatrix (const uint *idx, pcrealavector px, pcrealavector py, pcrealavector pz, pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V)
 This function will integrate Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using linear basis function and store the results in a matrix V. More...
void assemble_bem3d_lagrange_wave_l_amatrix (const uint *idx, pcrealavector px, pcrealavector py, pcrealavector pz, pcreal dir, pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V)
 This function will integrate modified Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using linear basis function and store the results in a matrix V. More...
void assemble_bem3d_dn_lagrange_c_amatrix (const uint *idx, pcrealavector px, pcrealavector py, pcrealavector pz, pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V)
 This function will integrate the normal derivatives of the Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using piecewise constant basis function and store the results in a matrix V. More...
void assemble_bem3d_dn_lagrange_wave_c_amatrix (const uint *idx, pcrealavector px, pcrealavector py, pcrealavector pz, pcreal dir, pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V)
 This function will integrate the normal derivatives of the modified Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using piecewise constant basis function and store the results in a matrix V. More...
void assemble_bem3d_dn_lagrange_l_amatrix (const uint *idx, pcrealavector px, pcrealavector py, pcrealavector pz, pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V)
 This function will integrate the normal derivatives of the Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using linear basis function and store the results in a matrix V. More...
void assemble_bem3d_dn_lagrange_wave_l_amatrix (const uint *idx, pcrealavector px, pcrealavector py, pcrealavector pz, pcreal dir, pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V)
 This function will integrate the normal derivatives of the modified Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using linear basis function and store the results in a matrix V. More...
void assemble_bem3d_lagrange_amatrix (const real(*X)[3], pcrealavector px, pcrealavector py, pcrealavector pz, pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V)
 This function will evaluate the Lagrange polynomials in a given point set X and store the results in a matrix V. More...
void assemble_bem3d_lagrange_wave_amatrix (const real(*X)[3], pcrealavector px, pcrealavector py, pcrealavector pz, pcreal dir, pcbem3d bem, pamatrix V)
 This function will evaluate the modified Lagrange polynomials in a given point set X and store the results in a matrix V. More...
real normL2_bem3d (pbem3d bem, boundary_func3d f, void *data)
 Compute the $L_2(\Gamma)$-norm of some given function f. More...
real normL2_c_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pavector x)
 Compute the $L_2(\Gamma)$-norm of some given function $f$ in terms of a piecewise constant basis $\left( \varphi_i \right)_{i \in \mathcal I}$. More...
real normL2diff_c_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pavector x, boundary_func3d f, void *data)
 Compute the $L_2(\Gamma)$ difference norm of some given function $g$ in terms of a piecewise constant basis $\left( \varphi_i \right)_{i \in \mathcal I}$ and some other function $f$. More...
real normL2_l_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pavector x)
 Compute the $L_2(\Gamma)$-norm of some given function $f$ in terms of a piecewise linear basis $\left( \varphi_i \right)_{i \in \mathcal I}$. More...
real normL2diff_l_bem3d (pbem3d bem, pavector x, boundary_func3d f, void *data)
 Compute the $L_2(\Gamma)$ difference norm of some given function $g$ in terms of a piecewise linear basis $\left( \varphi_i \right)_{i \in \mathcal I}$ and some other function $f$. More...
void integrate_bem3d_c_avector (pbem3d bem, boundary_func3d f, pavector w, void *data)
 Computes the integral of a given function using piecewise constant basis functions over the boundary of a domain. More...
void integrate_bem3d_l_avector (pbem3d bem, boundary_func3d f, pavector w, void *data)
 Computes the integral of a given function using piecewise linear basis functions over the boundary of a domain. More...
void projectL2_bem3d_c_avector (pbem3d bem, boundary_func3d f, pavector w, void *data)
 Computes the $ L_2 $-projection of a given function using piecewise constant basis functions over the boundary of a domain. More...
void projectL2_bem3d_l_avector (pbem3d bem, boundary_func3d f, pavector w, void *data)
 Computes the $ L_2 $-projection of a given function using linear basis functions over the boundary of a domain. More...
void setup_vertex_to_triangle_map_bem3d (pbem3d bem)
 initializes the field bem->v2t when using linear basis functions More...
void build_bem3d_cube_quadpoints (pcbem3d bem, const real a[3], const real b[3], const real delta, real(**Z)[3], real(**N)[3])
 Generating quadrature points, weights and normal vectors on a cube parameterization. More...
prkmatrix build_bem3d_rkmatrix (pccluster row, pccluster col, void *data)
 For a block defined by row and col this function will build a rank-k-approximation and return the rkmatrix. More...
pamatrix build_bem3d_amatrix (pccluster row, pccluster col, void *data)
 For a block defined by row and col this function will compute the full submatrix and return an amatrix. More...
void build_bem3d_curl_sparsematrix (pcbem3d bem, psparsematrix *C0, psparsematrix *C1, psparsematrix *C2)
 Set up the surface curl operator. More...

Detailed Description

This module contains main algorithms to solve boundary element method problems in 3 dimensional space.

bem3d provides basic functionality for a general BEM-application. Considering a special problem such as the Laplace-equation one has to include the laplacebem3d module, which provides the essential quadrature routines of the kernel functions. The bem3d module consists of a struct called bem3d, which contains a collection of callback functions, that regulates the whole computation of fully-populated BEM-matrices and also of h- and h2-matrices.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _aprxbem3d aprxbem3d

aprxbem3d is just an abbreviation for the struct _aprxbem3d hidden inside the bem3d.c file. This struct is necessary because of the different approximation techniques offered by this library. It will hide all dispensable information from the user.

This is just an abbreviation for the enum _basisfunctionbem3d .

typedef struct _bem3d bem3d

bem3d is just an abbreviation for the struct _bem3d , which contains all necessary information to solve BEM-problems.

typedef field(* boundary_func3d) (const real *x, const real *n, void *data)

Defining a type for function that map from the boundary $ \Gamma $ of the domain to a field $ \mathbb K $.

This type is used to define functions that produce example dirichlet and neumann data.

x3D-point the boundary $ \Gamma $.
nCorresponding outpointing normal vector to x.
dataAdditional data for evaluating the functional.
Returns evaluation of the function in x with normal vector n.
typedef field(* kernel_func3d) (const real *x, const real *y, const real *nx, const real *ny, void *data)

Evaluate a fundamental solution or its normal derivatives at points x and y.

xFirst evaluation point.
ySecond evaluation point.
nxNormal vector that belongs to x.
nyNormal vector that belongs to y.
dataAdditional data that is needed to evaluate the function.
typedef field(* kernel_wave_func3d) (const real *x, const real *y, const real *nx, const real *ny, pcreal dir, void *data)

Evaluate a modified fundamental solution or its normal derivatives at points x and y.

The modified fundamental solution is defined as

\[ g_{c}(x,y) = g(x,y) e^{\langle c, x - y \rangle} \]

xFirst evaluation point.
ySecond evaluation point.
nxNormal vector that belongs to x.
nyNormal vector that belongs to y.
dirA vector containing the direction $c$.
dataAdditional data that is needed to evaluate the function.
typedef struct _kernelbem3d kernelbem3d

kernelbem3d is just an abbreviation for the struct _kernelbem3d. It contains a collection of callback functions to evaluate or integrate kernel function and its derivatives.

typedef struct _listnode listnode

This is just an abbreviation for the struct _listnode .

Pointer to a aprxbem3d object.

typedef struct _parbem3d parbem3d

parbem3d is just an abbreviation for the struct _parbem3d , which is hidden inside the bem3d.c . It is necessary for parallel computation on h- and h2matrices.

typedef bem3d* pbem3d

Pointer to a bem3d object.

typedef const aprxbem3d* pcaprxbem3d

Pointer to a constant aprxbem3d object.

typedef const bem3d* pcbem3d

Pointer to a constant bem3d object.

typedef const kernelbem3d* pckernelbem3d

Pointer to a constant kernelbem3d object.

typedef const parbem3d* pcparbem3d

Pointer to a constant parbem3d object.

Pointer to a kernelbem3d object.

typedef listnode* plistnode

Pointer to a listnode object.

typedef parbem3d* pparbem3d

Pointer to a parbem3d object.

typedef tri_list* ptri_list

Pointer to a tri_list object.

Pointer to a vert_list object.

typedef void(* quadpoints3d) (pcbem3d bem, const real bmin[3], const real bmax[3], const real delta, real(**Z)[3], real(**N)[3])

Callback function type for parameterizations.

quadpoints3d defines a class of callback functions that are used to compute quadrature points, weight and normal vectors corresponding to the points on a given parameterization, which are used within the green's approximation functions. The parameters are in ascending order:

bemReference to the bem3d object.
bminA 3D-array determining the minimal spatial dimensions of the bounding box the parameterization is located around.
bmaxA 3D-array determining the maximal spatial dimensions of the bounding box the parameterization is located around.
deltaDefines the distant between bounding box and the parameterization.
ZThe quadrature points will be stored inside of Z .
NThe outer normal vectors will be stored inside of N . For a quadrature point $ z_i $ , a corresponding quadrature weight $ \omega_i $ and the proper normal vector $ \vec{n_i} $ the vector will not have unit length but $ \lVert \vec{n_i} \rVert = \omega_i $ .
typedef struct _tri_list tri_list

This is just an abbreviation for the struct _tri_list .

typedef struct _vert_list vert_list

This is just an abbreviation for the struct _vert_list .

Enumeration Type Documentation

Possible types of basis functions.

This enum defines all possible values usable for basis functions for either neumann- and dirichlet-data. The values should be self-explanatory.


Dummy value, should never be used.


Enum value to represent piecewise constant basis functions.


Enum value to represent piecewise linear basis functions.

Function Documentation

void assemble_bem3d_amatrix ( pbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  G 

Assemble a dense matrix for some boundary integral operator given by bem.

bemBem object containing information about the used Ansatz and trial spaces as well as the boundary integral operator itself.
GAmatrix object to be filled.
void assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix ( pbem3d  bem,
pdh2matrix  G 

Fills a dh2matrix with a predefined approximation technique.

This will traverse the block tree until it reaches its leafs. For a leaf block either the full matrix $ G_{|t \times s} $ is computed or a duniform rank-k-approximation specified within the bem3d object is created as $ G_{|t \times s} \approx V_{t,c} \, S_{b,c} \, W_{s,c}^* $

Before using this function to fill an dh2matrix one has to initialize the bem3d object with one of the approximation techniques such as setup_dh2matrix_aprx_inter_bem3d. Otherwise the behavior of the function is undefined.
The dclusterbasis $ V_t $ and $ W_s $ have to be computed before calling this function because some approximation schemes depend on information residing within the dclusterbasis.
bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of h2matrix G .
Gdh2matrix to be filled.
void assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_col_dclusterbasis ( pcbem3d  bem,
pdclusterbasis  cb 

This function computes the matrix entries for the nested dclusterbasis $ W_s \, , s \in \mathcal T_{\mathcal J} $.

This algorithm completely traverses the clustertree belonging to the given dclusterbasis until it reaches its leafs. In each leaf cluster the matrix $ W_{s,c} $ for all $c$ will be constructed and stored within the dclusterbasis. In non leaf clusters the transfer matrices $ F_{s',c} \, , s' \in \operatorname{sons}(s) $ for all $c$ will be computed and it holds

\[ W_{s,c} = \begin{pmatrix} W_{s_1,\operatorname{sondir}(c)} & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & W_{s_\sigma, \operatorname{sondir}(c)} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} F_{s_1, \operatorname{sondir}(c)} \\ \vdots \\ F_{s_\sigma, \operatorname{sondir}(c)} \end{pmatrix} \]

All matrices $ F_{s_i, c} $ will be stored within the dclusterbasis belonging to the $ i $-th son.

A valid dh2matrix approximation scheme, such as setup_dh2matrix_aprx_inter_bem3d must be set before calling this function. If no approximation technique is set within the bem3d object the behavior of this function is undefined.
bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of clusterbasis cb .
cbColumn clusterbasis to be filled.
void assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_ortho_col_dclusterbasis ( pcbem3d  bem,
pdclusterbasis  cb,
pdclusteroperator  co 

Function for filling a directional column cluster basis with orthogonal matrices.

This function should be called together with setup_dh2matrix_aprx_inter_ortho_bem3d .
The needed dclusteroperator object could be easily created with build_from_dclusterbasis_dclusteroperator .

After filling the cluster basis according to the choosen order of interpolation, the matrices will be orthogonalized. The cluster operator is filled with the matrices, which describes the basis change.

bemCorresponding bem3d object filled with the needed parameters and callback functions.
cbDirectional column cluster basis.
codclusteroperator object corresponding to cb .
void assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_ortho_row_dclusterbasis ( pcbem3d  bem,
pdclusterbasis  rb,
pdclusteroperator  ro 

Function for filling a directional row cluster basis with orthogonal matrices.

This function should be called together with setup_dh2matrix_aprx_inter_ortho_bem3d .
The needed dclusteroperator object could be easily created with build_from_dclusterbasis_dclusteroperator .

After filling the cluster basis according to the choosen order of interpolation, the matrices will be orthogonalized. The cluster operator is filled with the matrices, which describes the basis change.

bemCorresponding bem3d object filled with the needed parameters and callback functions.
rbDirectional row cluster basis.
rodclusteroperator object corresponding to rb .
void assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_recomp_both_dclusterbasis ( pcbem3d  bem,
pdclusterbasis  rb,
pdclusteroperator  bro,
pdclusterbasis  cb,
pdclusteroperator  bco,
pcdblock  broot 

Function for filling both directional cluster bases with orthogonal matrices.

This function should be called together with setup_dh2matrix_aprx_inter_recomp_bem3d and before the $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix is filled!
The needed dclusteroperator object could be easily created with build_from_dclusterbasis_dclusteroperator .

After filling the cluster basis according to the choosen order of interpolation, the matrices will be truncated according to the truncation mode and accuracy given in the bem object. The transfer matrices describing the basis change are saved in the two dclusteroperator obejcts bro and bco for filling the $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix later.

bemCorresponding bem3d object filled with the needed parameters and callback functions.
rbDirectional row cluster basis.
brodclusteroperator object corresponding to rb.
cbDirectional column cluster basis.
bcodclusteroperator object corresponding to cb.
brootdblock object for the corresponding $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix.
void assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_row_dclusterbasis ( pcbem3d  bem,
pdclusterbasis  rb 

This function computes the matrix entries for the nested dclusterbasis $ V_t \, , t \in \mathcal T_{\mathcal I} $.

This algorithm completely traverses the clustertree belonging to the given dclusterbasis until it reaches its leafs. In each leaf cluster the matrices $ V_{t,c} $ for all $c$ will be constructed and stored within the dclusterbasis. In non leaf clusters the transfer matrices $ E_{t', c} \, , t' \in \operatorname{sons}(t) $ for all $c$ will be computed and it holds

\[ V_{t,c} = \begin{pmatrix} V_{t_1, \operatorname{sondir}(c)} & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & V_{t_\tau, \operatorname{sondir}(c)} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} E_{t_1, \operatorname{sondir}(c)} \\ \vdots \\ E_{t_\tau, \operatorname{sondir}(c)} \end{pmatrix} \]

All matrices $ E_{t_i, c} $ will be stored within the dclusterbasis belonging to the $ i $-th son.

A valid dh2matrix approximation scheme, such as setup_dh2matrix_aprx_inter_bem3d must be set before calling this function. If no approximation technique is set within the bem3d object the behavior of this function is undefined.
bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of dclusterbasis rb .
rbRow dclusterbasis to be filled.
void assemble_bem3d_dn_lagrange_c_amatrix ( const uint idx,
pcrealavector  px,
pcrealavector  py,
pcrealavector  pz,
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V 

This function will integrate the normal derivatives of the Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using piecewise constant basis function and store the results in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{i\mu} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \frac{\partial \mathcal L_\mu}{\partial n} (\vec x) \, \mathrm d \vec x \]

with Lagrange polynomial $ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) $ defined as:

\[ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) := \left( \prod_{\nu_1 = 1, \nu_1 \neq \mu_1}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_1} - x_1}{\xi_{\nu_1} - \xi_{\mu_1}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_2 = 1, \nu_2 \neq \mu_2}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_2} - x_2}{\xi_{\nu_2} - \xi_{\mu_2}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_3 = 1, \nu_3 \neq \mu_3}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_3} - x_3}{\xi_{\nu_3} - \xi_{\mu_3}} \right) \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
pxA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in x-direction.
pyA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in y-direction.
pzA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in z-direction.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
void assemble_bem3d_dn_lagrange_l_amatrix ( const uint idx,
pcrealavector  px,
pcrealavector  py,
pcrealavector  pz,
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V 

This function will integrate the normal derivatives of the Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using linear basis function and store the results in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{i\mu} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \frac{\partial \mathcal L_\mu}{\partial n} (\vec x) \, \mathrm d \vec x \]

with Lagrange polynomial $ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) $ defined as:

\[ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) := \left( \prod_{\nu_1 = 1, \nu_1 \neq \mu_1}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_1} - x_1}{\xi_{\nu_1} - \xi_{\mu_1}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_2 = 1, \nu_2 \neq \mu_2}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_2} - x_2}{\xi_{\nu_2} - \xi_{\mu_2}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_3 = 1, \nu_3 \neq \mu_3}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_3} - x_3}{\xi_{\nu_3} - \xi_{\mu_3}} \right) \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
pxA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in x-direction.
pyA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in y-direction.
pzA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in z-direction.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
void assemble_bem3d_dn_lagrange_wave_c_amatrix ( const uint idx,
pcrealavector  px,
pcrealavector  py,
pcrealavector  pz,
pcreal  dir,
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V 

This function will integrate the normal derivatives of the modified Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using piecewise constant basis function and store the results in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{i\mu} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \frac{\partial \mathcal L_{\mu, c}}{\partial n} (\vec x) \, \mathrm d \vec x = \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \frac{\partial}{\partial n} \left(\mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) \, e^{\langle c, \vec x \rangle} \right) \, \mathrm d \vec x \]

with Lagrange polynomial $ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) $ defined as:

\[ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) := \left( \prod_{\nu_1 = 1, \nu_1 \neq \mu_1}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_1} - x_1}{\xi_{\nu_1} - \xi_{\mu_1}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_2 = 1, \nu_2 \neq \mu_2}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_2} - x_2}{\xi_{\nu_2} - \xi_{\mu_2}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_3 = 1, \nu_3 \neq \mu_3}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_3} - x_3}{\xi_{\nu_3} - \xi_{\mu_3}} \right) \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
pxA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in x-direction.
pyA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in y-direction.
pzA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in z-direction.
dirDirection vector for the direction $c$.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
void assemble_bem3d_dn_lagrange_wave_l_amatrix ( const uint idx,
pcrealavector  px,
pcrealavector  py,
pcrealavector  pz,
pcreal  dir,
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V 

This function will integrate the normal derivatives of the modified Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using linear basis function and store the results in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{i\mu} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \frac{\partial \mathcal L_{\mu, c}}{\partial n} (\vec x) \, \mathrm d \vec x = \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \frac{\partial}{\partial n} \left( \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) \, e^{\langle c, \vec x \rangle} \right) \, \mathrm d \vec x \]

with Lagrange polynomial $ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) $ defined as:

\[ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) := \left( \prod_{\nu_1 = 1, \nu_1 \neq \mu_1}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_1} - x_1}{\xi_{\nu_1} - \xi_{\mu_1}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_2 = 1, \nu_2 \neq \mu_2}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_2} - x_2}{\xi_{\nu_2} - \xi_{\mu_2}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_3 = 1, \nu_3 \neq \mu_3}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_3} - x_3}{\xi_{\nu_3} - \xi_{\mu_3}} \right) \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
pxA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in x-direction.
pyA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in y-direction.
pzA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in z-direction.
dirDirection vector for the direction $c$.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
void assemble_bem3d_farfield_dh2matrix ( pbem3d  bem,
pdh2matrix  G 

Fills a dh2matrix with a predefined approximation technique.

This will traverse the block tree until it reaches its leafs. For an admissible leaf block a duniform rank-k-approximation specified within the bem3d object is created as $ G_{|t \times s} \approx V_{t,c} \, S_{b,c} \, W_{s,c}^* $

Before using this function to fill an dh2matrix one has to initialize the bem3d object with one of the approximation techniques such as setup_dh2matrix_aprx_inter_bem3d. Otherwise the behavior of the function is undefined.
The dclusterbasis $ V_t $ and $ W_s $ have to be computed before calling this function because some approximation schemes depend on information residing within the dclusterbasis.
bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of h2matrix G .
Gdh2matrix to be filled.
void assemble_bem3d_farfield_h2matrix ( pbem3d  bem,
ph2matrix  G 

Fills a h2matrix with a predefined approximation technique.

This will traverse the block tree until it reaches its leafs. For an admissible leaf block a uniform rank-k-approximation specified within the bem3d object is created as $ G_{|t \times s} \approx V_t \, S_b \, W_s^* $

Before using this function to fill an h2matrix one has to initialize the bem3d object with one of the approximation techniques such as setup_h2matrix_aprx_inter_bem3d. Otherwise the behavior of the function is undefined.
The clusterbasis $ V_t $ and $ W_s $ have to be computed before calling this function because some approximation schemes depend on information residing within the clusterbasis.
bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of h2matrix G .
Gh2matrix to be filled.
void assemble_bem3d_farfield_hmatrix ( pbem3d  bem,
pblock  b,
phmatrix  G 

Fills the farfield blocks of a hmatrix with a predefined approximation technique.

This will traverse the block tree until it reaches its leafs. For an admissible leaf block a rank-k-approximation specified within the bem3d object is created as $ G_{|t \times s} \approx A_b \, B_b^* $

Before using this function to fill an hmatrix one has to initialize the bem3d object with one of the approximation techniques such as setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_row_bem3d. Otherwise the behavior of the function is undefined.
bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of hmatrix G .
bRoot of the blocktree.
Ghmatrix to be filled. b has to be appropriate to G.
void assemble_bem3d_h2matrix ( pbem3d  bem,
ph2matrix  G 

Fills a h2matrix with a predefined approximation technique.

This will traverse the block tree until it reaches its leafs. For a leaf block either the full matrix $ G_{|t \times s} $ is computed or a uniform rank-k-approximation specified within the bem3d object is created as $ G_{|t \times s} \approx V_t \, S_b \, W_s^* $

Before using this function to fill an h2matrix one has to initialize the bem3d object with one of the approximation techniques such as setup_h2matrix_aprx_inter_bem3d. Otherwise the behavior of the function is undefined.
The clusterbasis $ V_t $ and $ W_s $ have to be computed before calling this function because some approximation schemes depend on information residing within the clusterbasis.
bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of h2matrix G .
Gh2matrix to be filled.
void assemble_bem3d_h2matrix_col_clusterbasis ( pcbem3d  bem,
pclusterbasis  cb 

This function computes the matrix entries for the nested clusterbasis $ W_s \, , s \in \mathcal T_{\mathcal J} $.

This algorithm completely traverses the clustertree belonging to the given clusterbasis until it reaches its leafs. In each leaf cluster the matrix $ W_s $ will be constructed and stored within the clusterbasis. In non leaf clusters the transfer matrices $ F_{s'} \, , s' \in \operatorname{sons}(s) $ will be computed and it holds

\[ W_s = \begin{pmatrix} W_{s_1} & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & W_{s_\sigma} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} F_{s_1} \\ \vdots \\ F_{s_\sigma} \end{pmatrix} \]

All matrices $ F_{s_i} $ will be stored within the clusterbasis belonging to the $ i $-th son.

A valid h2matrix approximation scheme, such as setup_h2matrix_aprx_inter_bem3d must be set before calling this function. If no approximation technique is set within the bem3d object the behavior of this function is undefined.
bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of clusterbasis cb .
cbColumn clusterbasis to be filled.
void assemble_bem3d_h2matrix_row_clusterbasis ( pcbem3d  bem,
pclusterbasis  rb 

This function computes the matrix entries for the nested clusterbasis $ V_t \, , t \in \mathcal T_{\mathcal I} $.

This algorithm completely traverses the clustertree belonging to the given clusterbasis until it reaches its leafs. In each leaf cluster the matrix $ V_t $ will be constructed and stored within the clusterbasis. In non leaf clusters the transfer matrices $ E_{t'} \, , t' \in \operatorname{sons}(t) $ will be computed and it holds

\[ V_t = \begin{pmatrix} V_{t_1} & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & V_{t_\tau} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} E_{t_1} \\ \vdots \\ E_{t_\tau} \end{pmatrix} \]

All matrices $ E_{t_i} $ will be stored within the clusterbasis belonging to the $ i $-th son.

A valid h2matrix approximation scheme, such as setup_h2matrix_aprx_inter_bem3d must be set before calling this function. If no approximation technique is set within the bem3d object the behavior of this function is undefined.
bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of clusterbasis rb .
rbRow clusterbasis to be filled.
void assemble_bem3d_hmatrix ( pbem3d  bem,
pblock  b,
phmatrix  G 

Fills a hmatrix with a predefined approximation technique.

This will traverse the block tree until it reaches its leafs. For a leaf block either the full matrix $ G_{|t \times s} $ is computed or a rank-k-approximation specified within the bem3d object is created as $ G_{|t \times s} \approx A_b \, B_b^* $

Before using this function to fill an hmatrix one has to initialize the bem3d object with one of the approximation techniques such as setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_row_bem3d. Otherwise the behavior of the function is undefined.
bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of hmatrix G .
bRoot of the blocktree.
Ghmatrix to be filled. b has to be appropriate to G.
void assemble_bem3d_lagrange_amatrix ( const real(*)  X[3],
pcrealavector  px,
pcrealavector  py,
pcrealavector  pz,
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V 

This function will evaluate the Lagrange polynomials in a given point set X and store the results in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{i\mu} := \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x_i) \]

with Lagrange polynomial $ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) $ defined as:

\[ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) := \left( \prod_{\nu_1 = 1, \nu_1 \neq \mu_1}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_1} - x_1}{\xi_{\nu_1} - \xi_{\mu_1}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_2 = 1, \nu_2 \neq \mu_2}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_2} - x_2}{\xi_{\nu_2} - \xi_{\mu_2}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_3 = 1, \nu_3 \neq \mu_3}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_3} - x_3}{\xi_{\nu_3} - \xi_{\mu_3}} \right) \]

XAn array of 3D-vectors. X[i][0] will be the first component of the i-th vector. Analogously X[i][1] will be the second component of the i-th vector. The length of this array is determined by V->cols .
pxA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in x-direction.
pyA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in y-direction.
pzA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in z-direction.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
void assemble_bem3d_lagrange_c_amatrix ( const uint idx,
pcrealavector  px,
pcrealavector  py,
pcrealavector  pz,
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V 

This function will integrate Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using piecewise constant basis function and store the results in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{i\mu} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) \, \mathrm d \vec x \]

with Lagrange polynomial $ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) $ defined as:

\[ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) := \left( \prod_{\nu_1 = 1, \nu_1 \neq \mu_1}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_1} - x_1}{\xi_{\nu_1} - \xi_{\mu_1}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_2 = 1, \nu_2 \neq \mu_2}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_2} - x_2}{\xi_{\nu_2} - \xi_{\mu_2}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_3 = 1, \nu_3 \neq \mu_3}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_3} - x_3}{\xi_{\nu_3} - \xi_{\mu_3}} \right) \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
pxA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in x-direction.
pyA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in y-direction.
pzA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in z-direction.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
void assemble_bem3d_lagrange_l_amatrix ( const uint idx,
pcrealavector  px,
pcrealavector  py,
pcrealavector  pz,
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V 

This function will integrate Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using linear basis function and store the results in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{i\mu} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) \, \mathrm d \vec x \]

with Lagrange polynomial $ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) $ defined as:

\[ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) := \left( \prod_{\nu_1 = 1, \nu_1 \neq \mu_1}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_1} - x_1}{\xi_{\nu_1} - \xi_{\mu_1}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_2 = 1, \nu_2 \neq \mu_2}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_2} - x_2}{\xi_{\nu_2} - \xi_{\mu_2}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_3 = 1, \nu_3 \neq \mu_3}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_3} - x_3}{\xi_{\nu_3} - \xi_{\mu_3}} \right) \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
pxA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in x-direction.
pyA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in y-direction.
pzA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in z-direction.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
void assemble_bem3d_lagrange_wave_amatrix ( const real(*)  X[3],
pcrealavector  px,
pcrealavector  py,
pcrealavector  pz,
pcreal  dir,
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V 

This function will evaluate the modified Lagrange polynomials in a given point set X and store the results in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{i\mu} := \mathcal L_{\mu, c} (\vec x_i) = \mathcal L_{\mu} (\vec x_i) \, e^{\langle c, \vec \vec x_i \rangle} \]

with Lagrange polynomial $ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) $ defined as:

\[ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) := \left( \prod_{\nu_1 = 1, \nu_1 \neq \mu_1}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_1} - x_1}{\xi_{\nu_1} - \xi_{\mu_1}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_2 = 1, \nu_2 \neq \mu_2}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_2} - x_2}{\xi_{\nu_2} - \xi_{\mu_2}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_3 = 1, \nu_3 \neq \mu_3}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_3} - x_3}{\xi_{\nu_3} - \xi_{\mu_3}} \right) \]

XAn array of 3D-vectors. X[i][0] will be the first component of the i-th vector. Analogously X[i][1] will be the second component of the i-th vector. The length of this array is determined by V->cols .
pxA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in x-direction.
pyA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in y-direction.
pzA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in z-direction.
dirDirection vector for the direction $c$.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
void assemble_bem3d_lagrange_wave_c_amatrix ( const uint idx,
pcrealavector  px,
pcrealavector  py,
pcrealavector  pz,
pcreal  dir,
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V 

This function will integrate modified Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using piecewise constant basis function and store the results in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{i\mu} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \mathcal L_{\mu, c} (\vec x) \, \mathrm d \vec x = \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \mathcal L_{\mu} (\vec x) \, e^{\langle c, \vec x \rangle} \, \mathrm d \vec x \]

with Lagrange polynomial $ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) $ defined as:

\[ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) := \left( \prod_{\nu_1 = 1, \nu_1 \neq \mu_1}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_1} - x_1}{\xi_{\nu_1} - \xi_{\mu_1}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_2 = 1, \nu_2 \neq \mu_2}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_2} - x_2}{\xi_{\nu_2} - \xi_{\mu_2}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_3 = 1, \nu_3 \neq \mu_3}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_3} - x_3}{\xi_{\nu_3} - \xi_{\mu_3}} \right) \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
pxA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in x-direction.
pyA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in y-direction.
pzA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in z-direction.
dirDirection vector for the direction $c$.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
void assemble_bem3d_lagrange_wave_l_amatrix ( const uint idx,
pcrealavector  px,
pcrealavector  py,
pcrealavector  pz,
pcreal  dir,
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V 

This function will integrate modified Lagrange polynomials on the boundary domain using linear basis function and store the results in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{i\mu} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \mathcal L_{\mu, c} (\vec x) \, \mathrm d \vec x = \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \mathcal L_{\mu} (\vec x) \, e^{\langle c, \vec x \rangle} \, \mathrm d \vec x \]

with Lagrange polynomial $ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) $ defined as:

\[ \mathcal L_\mu (\vec x) := \left( \prod_{\nu_1 = 1, \nu_1 \neq \mu_1}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_1} - x_1}{\xi_{\nu_1} - \xi_{\mu_1}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_2 = 1, \nu_2 \neq \mu_2}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_2} - x_2}{\xi_{\nu_2} - \xi_{\mu_2}} \right) \cdot \left( \prod_{\nu_3 = 1, \nu_3 \neq \mu_3}^m \frac{\xi_{\nu_3} - x_3}{\xi_{\nu_3} - \xi_{\mu_3}} \right) \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
pxA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in x-direction.
pyA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in y-direction.
pzA Vector of type realavector that contains interpolation points in z-direction.
dirDirection vector for the direction $c$.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
void assemble_bem3d_nearfield_dh2matrix ( pbem3d  bem,
pdh2matrix  G 

Fills the nearfield part of a dh2matrix.

This will traverse the block tree until it reaches its leafs. For an inadmissible leaf block the full matrix $ G_{|t \times s} $ is computed.

bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of dh2matrix G .
Gdh2matrix to be filled.
void assemble_bem3d_nearfield_h2matrix ( pbem3d  bem,
ph2matrix  G 

Fills the nearfield part of a h2matrix.

This will traverse the block tree until it reaches its leafs. For an inadmissible leaf block the full matrix $ G_{|t \times s} $ is computed.

bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of h2matrix G .
Gh2matrix to be filled.
void assemble_bem3d_nearfield_hmatrix ( pbem3d  bem,
pblock  b,
phmatrix  G 

Fills the nearfield blocks of a hmatrix.

This will traverse the block tree until it reaches its leafs. For an inadmissible leaf block the full matrix $ G_{|t \times s} $ is computed. In case of an admissible leaf no operations are performed.

bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of hmatrix G .
bRoot of the blocktree.
Ghmatrix to be filled. b has to be appropriate to G.
void assemble_cc_far_bem3d ( const uint ridx,
const uint cidx,
pcbem3d  bem,
bool  ntrans,
pamatrix  N,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise constant basis functions for both Ansatz and test functions.

This routines assumes that all pairs of triangles are disjoint and therefore optimizes the quadrature routine.
ridxDefines the indices of row boundary elements used. If ridx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->rows-1 are used.
cidxDefines the indices of column boundary elements used. If cidx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->cols-1 are used.
bemBem3d object, that contains additional Information for the computation of the matrix entries.
ntransIs a boolean flag to indicates the way of storing the entries in matrix N . If ntrans == true the matrix entries will be stored in a transposed way.
NFor ntrans == false the matrix entries are computed as:

\[ N_{ij} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, ,\]

otherwise they are stored as

\[ N_{ji} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, .\]

kernelDefines the kernel function $g$ to be used within the computation.
void assemble_cc_near_bem3d ( const uint ridx,
const uint cidx,
pcbem3d  bem,
bool  ntrans,
pamatrix  N,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise constant basis functions for both Ansatz and test functions.

ridxDefines the indices of row boundary elements used. If ridx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->rows-1 are used.
cidxDefines the indices of column boundary elements used. If cidx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->cols-1 are used.
bemBem3d object, that contains additional Information for the computation of the matrix entries.
ntransIs a boolean flag to indicates the way of storing the entries in matrix N . If ntrans == true the matrix entries will be stored in a transposed way.
NFor ntrans == false the matrix entries are computed as:

\[ N_{ij} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, ,\]

otherwise they are stored as

\[ N_{ji} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, .\]

kernelDefines the kernel function $g$ to be used within the computation.
void assemble_cl_far_bem3d ( const uint ridx,
const uint cidx,
pcbem3d  bem,
bool  ntrans,
pamatrix  N,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise constant basis functions for Test and piecewise linear basis functions for Ansatz functions.

This routines assumes that all pairs of triangles are disjoint and therefore optimizes the quadrature routine.
ridxDefines the indices of row boundary elements used. If ridx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->rows-1 are used.
cidxDefines the indices of column boundary elements used. If cidx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->cols-1 are used.
bemBem3d object, that contains additional Information for the computation of the matrix entries.
ntransIs a boolean flag to indicates the way of storing the entries in matrix N . If ntrans == true the matrix entries will be stored in a transposed way.
NFor ntrans == false the matrix entries are computed as:

\[ N_{ij} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, ,\]

otherwise they are stored as

\[ N_{ji} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, .\]

kernelDefines the kernel function $g$ to be used within the computation.
void assemble_cl_near_bem3d ( const uint ridx,
const uint cidx,
pcbem3d  bem,
bool  ntrans,
pamatrix  N,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise constant basis functions for Test and piecewise linear basis functions for Ansatz functions.

ridxDefines the indices of row boundary elements used. If ridx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->rows-1 are used.
cidxDefines the indices of column boundary elements used. If cidx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->cols-1 are used.
bemBem3d object, that contains additional Information for the computation of the matrix entries.
ntransIs a boolean flag to indicates the way of storing the entries in matrix N . If ntrans == true the matrix entries will be stored in a transposed way.
NFor ntrans == false the matrix entries are computed as:

\[ N_{ij} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, ,\]

otherwise they are stored as

\[ N_{ji} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, .\]

kernelDefines the kernel function $g$ to be used within the computation.
void assemble_lc_far_bem3d ( const uint ridx,
const uint cidx,
pcbem3d  bem,
bool  ntrans,
pamatrix  N,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise linear basis functions for Test and piecewise contant basis functions for Ansatz functions.

This routines assumes that all pairs of triangles are disjoint and therefore optimizes the quadrature routine.
ridxDefines the indices of row boundary elements used. If ridx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->rows-1 are used.
cidxDefines the indices of column boundary elements used. If cidx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->cols-1 are used.
bemBem3d object, that contains additional Information for the computation of the matrix entries.
ntransIs a boolean flag to indicates the way of storing the entries in matrix N . If ntrans == true the matrix entries will be stored in a transposed way.
NFor ntrans == false the matrix entries are computed as:

\[ N_{ij} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, ,\]

otherwise they are stored as

\[ N_{ji} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, .\]

kernelDefines the kernel function $g$ to be used within the computation.
void assemble_lc_near_bem3d ( const uint ridx,
const uint cidx,
pcbem3d  bem,
bool  ntrans,
pamatrix  N,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise linear basis functions for Test and piecewise contant basis functions for Ansatz functions.

ridxDefines the indices of row boundary elements used. If ridx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->rows-1 are used.
cidxDefines the indices of column boundary elements used. If cidx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->cols-1 are used.
bemBem3d object, that contains additional Information for the computation of the matrix entries.
ntransIs a boolean flag to indicates the way of storing the entries in matrix N . If ntrans == true the matrix entries will be stored in a transposed way.
NFor ntrans == false the matrix entries are computed as:

\[ N_{ij} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, ,\]

otherwise they are stored as

\[ N_{ji} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, .\]

kernelDefines the kernel function $g$ to be used within the computation.
void assemble_ll_far_bem3d ( const uint ridx,
const uint cidx,
pcbem3d  bem,
bool  ntrans,
pamatrix  N,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise linear basis functions for both Ansatz and test functions.

This routines assumes that all pairs of triangles are disjoint and therefore optimizes the quadrature routine.
ridxDefines the indices of row boundary elements used. If ridx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->rows-1 are used.
cidxDefines the indices of column boundary elements used. If cidx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->cols-1 are used.
bemBem3d object, that contains additional Information for the computation of the matrix entries.
ntransIs a boolean flag to indicates the way of storing the entries in matrix N . If ntrans == true the matrix entries will be stored in a transposed way.
NFor ntrans == false the matrix entries are computed as:

\[ N_{ij} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, ,\]

otherwise they are stored as

\[ N_{ji} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, .\]

kernelDefines the kernel function $g$ to be used within the computation.
void assemble_ll_near_bem3d ( const uint ridx,
const uint cidx,
pcbem3d  bem,
bool  ntrans,
pamatrix  N,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

Compute general entries of a boundary integral operator with piecewise linear basis functions for both Ansatz and test functions.

ridxDefines the indices of row boundary elements used. If ridx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->rows-1 are used.
cidxDefines the indices of column boundary elements used. If cidx equals NULL, then Elements 0, ..., N->cols-1 are used.
bemBem3d object, that contains additional Information for the computation of the matrix entries.
ntransIs a boolean flag to indicates the way of storing the entries in matrix N . If ntrans == true the matrix entries will be stored in a transposed way.
NFor ntrans == false the matrix entries are computed as:

\[ N_{ij} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, ,\]

otherwise they are stored as

\[ N_{ji} = \int_\Gamma \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(x) \, g(x,y) \, \psi_j(y) \, \mathrm d y \, \mathrm d x \, .\]

kernelDefines the kernel function $g$ to be used within the computation.
void assemblecoarsen_bem3d_hmatrix ( pbem3d  bem,
pblock  b,
phmatrix  G 

Fills a hmatrix with a predefined approximation technique using coarsening strategy.

This will traverse the block tree until it reaches its leafs. For a leaf block either the full matrix $ G_{|t \times s} $ is computed or a rank-k-approximation specified within the bem3d object is created as $ G_{|t \times s} \approx A_b \, B_b^* $ While traversing the block tree backwards coarsening algorithm determines whether current non leaf block could be stored more efficiently as a single compressed leaf block in rank-k-format or not.

Before using this function to fill an hmatrix one has to initialize the bem3d object with one of the approximation techniques such as setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_row_bem3d. Otherwise the behavior of the function is undefined.
Make sure to call setup_hmatrix_recomp_bem3d with enabled coarsening and appropriate accuracy before calling this function. Default value of coarsening accuracy is set to 0.0, this means no coarsening will be done if a realistic accuracy is not set within the bem3d object.
bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of hmatrix G .
bRoot of the blocktree.
Ghmatrix to be filled. b has to be appropriate to G.
void assemblehiercomp_bem3d_h2matrix ( pbem3d  bem,
pblock  b,
ph2matrix  G 

Fills an h2matrix with a predefined approximation technique using hierarchical recompression.

This functions does not need to initialized by an appropriate approximation technique for h2matrices. Instead one needs to specify a valid approximation scheme for hmatrices such as setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_row_bem3d. When this method is finished not only the h2matrix G is filled but also the corresponding row and column clusterbasis.

Before using this function to fill an h2matrix one has to initialize the bem3d object with one of the hmatrix approximation techniques such as setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_row_bem3d. Otherwise the behavior of the function is undefined.
Storage for the clusterbasis $ V_t $ and $ W_s $ has to be allocated before calling this function.
Before calling this function setup_h2matrix_recomp_bem3d has to be called enabling the hierarchical recompression with a valid accuracy. If this is not done, the default accuracy is set to 0.0. This will yield no reasonable approximation according to the resulting size of the h2matrix.
bembem3d object containing all necessary information for computing the entries of h2matrix G .
bRoot of the blocktree.
Gh2matrix to be filled. b has to be appropriate to G.
pamatrix build_bem3d_amatrix ( pccluster  row,
pccluster  col,
void *  data 

For a block defined by row and col this function will compute the full submatrix and return an amatrix.

This function will simply create a new amatrix and call ((pcbem3d)data)->nearfield to compute the submatrix for this block.

rowRow cluster defining the current hmatrix block.
colColumn cluster defining the current hmatrix block.
dataThis object has to be a valid bem3d object.
Submatrix $ G_{|t \times s} $.
pcluster build_bem3d_cluster ( pcbem3d  bem,
uint  clf,
basisfunctionbem3d  basis 

Creates a clustertree for specified basis functions.

This function will build up a clustertree for a BEM-problem using basis functions of type basis. The maximal size of the leaves of the resulting tree are limited by clf. At first this function will call build_bem3d_clustergeometry and uses the temporary result to contruct a clustertree using build_adaptive_cluster.

bemAt this stage bem just serves as a container for the geometry bem->gr itself.
clfThis parameter limits the maximals size of leafclusters. It holds:

\[ \# t \leq \texttt{clf} , \, \text{for all } t \in \mathcal L \]

basisThis defines the type of basis functions that should be used to construct the cluster object. According to the type basisfunctionbem3d there are actual just to valid valued for basis: Either BASIS_CONSTANT_BEM3D or BASIS_LINEAR_BEM3D.
A suitable clustertree for basis functions defined by basis and using build_adaptive_cluster to build up the tree.
pclustergeometry build_bem3d_clustergeometry ( pcbem3d  bem,
uint **  idx,
basisfunctionbem3d  basis 

Creates a clustergeometry object for a BEM-Problem using the type of basis functions specified by basis.

The geometry is taken from the bem object as bem->gr .

bemAt this stage bem just serves as a container for the geometry bem->gr itself.
idxThis method will allocate enough memory into idx to enumerate each degree of freedom. After calling build_bem3d_clustergeometry the value of idx will be 0, 1, ... N-1 if N is the number of degrees of freedom for basis functions defined by basis.
basisThis defines the type of basis functions that should be used to construct the clustergeometry object. According to the type basisfunctionbem3d there are actual just to valid valued for basis: Either BASIS_CONSTANT_BEM3D or BASIS_LINEAR_BEM3D. Depending on that value either build_bem3d_const_clustergeometry or build_bem3d_linear_clustergeometry will be called to build the object.
Function will return a valid clustergeometry object that can be used to construct a clustertree along with the array of degrees of freedom idx.
pclustergeometry build_bem3d_const_clustergeometry ( pcbem3d  bem,
uint **  idx 

Creates a clustergeometry object for a BEM-Problem using piecewise constant basis functions.

The geometry is taken from the bem object as bem->gr .

bemAt this stage bem just serves as a container for the geometry bem->gr itself.
idxThis method will allocate enough memory into idx to enumerate each degree of freedom. After calling build_bem3d_const_clustergeometry the value of idx will be 0, 1, ... N-1 if N is the number of degrees of freedom for piecewise constant basis functions, which will be equal to the number of triangles in the geometry.
Function will return a valid clustergeometry object that can be used to construct a clustertree along with the array of degrees of freedom idx.
void build_bem3d_cube_quadpoints ( pcbem3d  bem,
const real  a[3],
const real  b[3],
const real  delta,
real(**)  Z[3],
real(**)  N[3] 

Generating quadrature points, weights and normal vectors on a cube parameterization.

This function will build quadrature points, weight and appropriate outpointing normal vectors on a cube parameterization. The quadrature points are stored in parameter Z, for which storage will be allocated, the normal vectors and weights are stored within N and also storage will be allocated from this function.

bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the quadrature points, weight and normal vectors.
aMinimal extent of the bounding box the parameterization will be constructed around.
bMaximal extent of the bounding box the parameterization will be constructed around.
deltaRelative distance in terms of $ \operatorname{diam}(B_t) $ the parameterization is afar from the bounding box $ B_t $.
ZResulting quadrature Points on the parameterization as array of 3D-vectors. Z[i][0] will be the first component of the i-th vector. Analogously Z[i][1] will be the second component of the i-th vector. The length of this array is defined within the function itself and the user has to know the length on his own.
NResulting quadrature weight and normal vectors on the parameterization as array of 3D-vectors. N[i][0] will be the first component of the i-th vector. Analogously N[i][1] will be the second component of the i-th vector. The length of this array is defined within the function itself and the user has to know the length on his own. Vectors do not have unit length instead it holds:

\[ \lVert \vec n_i \rVert = \omega_i \]

void build_bem3d_curl_sparsematrix ( pcbem3d  bem,
psparsematrix C0,
psparsematrix C1,
psparsematrix C2 

Set up the surface curl operator.

This function creates three sparsematrix objects corresponding to the first, second, and third coordinates of the surface curl operator mapping linear nodal basis functions to piecewise constant basis functions.

bemBEM object.
C0First component, i.e., $c_{0,ij}=(\operatorname{curl}_\Gamma \varphi_j)_1|_{T_i}$
C1Second component, i.e., $c_{1,ij}=(\operatorname{curl}_\Gamma \varphi_j)_2|_{T_i}$
C2Third component, i.e., $c_{2,ij}=(\operatorname{curl}_\Gamma \varphi_j)_3|_{T_i}$
pclustergeometry build_bem3d_linear_clustergeometry ( pcbem3d  bem,
uint **  idx 

Creates a clustergeometry object for a BEM-Problem using linear basis functions.

The geometry is taken from the bem object as bem->gr .

bemAt this stage bem just serves as a container for the geometry bem->gr itself.
idxThis method will allocate enough memory into idx to enumerate each degree of freedom. After calling build_bem3d_linear_clustergeometry the value of idx will be 0, 1, ... N-1 if N is the number of degrees of freedom for linear basis functions, which will be equal to the number of vertices in the geometry.
Function will return a valid clustergeometry object that can be used to construct a clustertree along with the array of degrees of freedom idx.
prkmatrix build_bem3d_rkmatrix ( pccluster  row,
pccluster  col,
void *  data 

For a block defined by row and col this function will build a rank-k-approximation and return the rkmatrix.

This function will simply create a new rkmatrix and call ((pcbem3d)data)->farfield_rk to create the rank-k-approximation of this block.

Before calling this function take care of initializing the bem3d object with one the hmatrix approximation techniques such as setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_row_bem3d. Not initialized bem3d object will cause undefined behavior.
rowRow cluster defining the current hmatrix block.
colColumn cluster defining the current hmatrix block.
dataThis object has to be a valid and initialized bem3d object.
A rank-k-approximation of the current block is returned.
void del_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem)

Destructor for bem3d objects.

Delete a bem3d object.

bembem3d object to be deleted.
void del_tri_list ( ptri_list  tl)

Recursively deletes a tri_list.

tltri_list to be deleted.
void del_vert_list ( pvert_list  vl)

Recursively deletes a vert_list.

vlvert_list to be deleted.
void fill_bem3d ( pcbem3d  bem,
const real(*)  X[3],
const real(*)  Y[3],
const real(*)  NX[3],
const real(*)  NY[3],
pamatrix  V,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

Evaluate a kernel function $g$ at some points $x_i$ and $y_j$.

bemBem3d object, that contains additional Information for the computation of the matrix entries.
XAn array of 3D-vectors. X[j][0] will be the first component of the j-th vector. Analogously X[j][1] will be the second component of the j-th vector. The length of this array is determined by V->rows .
YAn array of 3D-vectors. Y[j][0] will be the first component of the j-th vector. Analogously Y[j][1] will be the second component of the j-th vector. The length of this array is determined by V->cols .
NXAn array of normal vectors corresponding to the vectors X. These are only needed
NYAn array of normal vectors corresponding to the vectors Y.
VIn the entry $V_{ij}$ the evaluation of $g(x_i, x_j)$ will be stored.
kernelA kernel function $g(x,y)$ that has to be evaluated at points $x_i$ and $y_j$.
void fill_col_c_bem3d ( const uint idx,
const real(*)  Z[3],
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

This function will integrate a kernel function $g$ on the boundary domain in the second argument using piecewise constant basis function. For the first argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{ij} := \int_\Gamma \, \psi_i(\vec y) \, g(z_j, y) \, \mathrm d \vec y \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
ZAn array of 3D-vectors. Z[j][0] will be the first component of the j-th vector. Analogously Z[j][1] will be the second component of the j-th vector. The length of this array is determined by A->cols .
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
kernelThe kernel function to be integrated.
void fill_col_l_bem3d ( const uint idx,
const real(*)  Z[3],
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

This function will integrate a kernel function $g$ on the boundary domain in the second argument using piecewise linear basis function. For the first argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{ij} := \int_\Gamma \, \psi_i(\vec y) \, g(z_j, y) \, \mathrm d \vec y \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
ZAn array of 3D-vectors. Z[j][0] will be the first component of the j-th vector. Analogously Z[j][1] will be the second component of the j-th vector. The length of this array is determined by A->cols .
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
kernelThe kernel function to be integrated.
void fill_dnz_col_c_bem3d ( const uint idx,
const real(*)  Z[3],
const real(*)  N[3],
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

This function will integrate a normal derivative of a kernel function $g$ with respect to $z$ on the boundary domain in the second argument using piecewise constant basis function. For the first argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{ij} := \int_\Gamma \, \psi_i(\vec y) \, \frac{\partial g}{\partial n_z}(z_j,y) \, \mathrm d \vec y \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
ZAn array of 3D-vectors. Z[j][0] will be the first component of the j-th vector. Analogously Z[j][1] will be the second component of the j-th vector. The length of this array is determined by A->cols .
NAn array of normal vectors corresponding to the vectors Z.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
kernelThe kernel function to be integrated.
void fill_dnz_col_l_bem3d ( const uint idx,
const real(*)  Z[3],
const real(*)  N[3],
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

This function will integrate a normal derivative of a kernel function $g$ with respect to $z$ on the boundary domain in the second argument using piecewise linear basis function. For the first argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{ij} := \int_\Gamma \, \psi_i(\vec y) \, \frac{\partial g}{\partial n_z}(z_j,y) \, \mathrm d \vec y \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
ZAn array of 3D-vectors. Z[j][0] will be the first component of the j-th vector. Analogously Z[j][1] will be the second component of the j-th vector. The length of this array is determined by A->cols .
NAn array of normal vectors corresponding to the vectors Z.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
kernelThe kernel function to be integrated.
void fill_dnz_row_c_bem3d ( const uint idx,
const real(*)  Z[3],
const real(*)  N[3],
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

This function will integrate a normal derivative of a kernel function $g$ with respect to $z$ on the boundary domain in the first argument using piecewise constant basis function. For the second argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{ij} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \frac{\partial g}{\partial n_z}(x, z_j) \, \mathrm d \vec x \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
ZAn array of 3D-vectors. Z[j][0] will be the first component of the j-th vector. Analogously Z[j][1] will be the second component of the j-th vector. The length of this array is determined by A->cols .
NAn array of normal vectors corresponding to the vectors Z.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
kernelThe kernel function to be integrated.
void fill_dnz_row_l_bem3d ( const uint idx,
const real(*)  Z[3],
const real(*)  N[3],
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

This function will integrate a normal derivative of a kernel function $g$ with respect to $z$ on the boundary domain in the first argument using piecewise linear basis function. For the second argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{ij} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \frac{\partial g}{\partial n_z}(x, z_j) \, \mathrm d \vec x \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
ZAn array of 3D-vectors. Z[j][0] will be the first component of the j-th vector. Analogously Z[j][1] will be the second component of the j-th vector. The length of this array is determined by A->cols .
NAn array of normal vectors corresponding to the vectors Z.
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
kernelThe kernel function to be integrated.
void fill_row_c_bem3d ( const uint idx,
const real(*)  Z[3],
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

This function will integrate a kernel function $g$ on the boundary domain in the first argument using piecewise constant basis function. For the second argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{ij} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, g(x, z_j) \, \mathrm d \vec x \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
ZAn array of 3D-vectors. Z[j][0] will be the first component of the j-th vector. Analogously Z[j][1] will be the second component of the j-th vector. The length of this array is determined by A->cols .
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
kernelThe kernel function to be integrated.
void fill_row_l_bem3d ( const uint idx,
const real(*)  Z[3],
pcbem3d  bem,
pamatrix  V,
kernel_func3d  kernel 

This function will integrate a kernel function $g$ on the boundary domain in the first argument using piecewise linear basis function. For the second argument some given points $Z_j$ will be used. The results will be stored in a matrix V.

The matrix entries of V will be computed as

\[ \left( V \right)_{ij} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, g(x, z_j) \, \mathrm d \vec x \]

idxThis array describes the permutation of the degrees of freedom. Its length is determined by V->rows . In case idx == NULL it is assumed the degrees of freedom are $ 0, 1, \ldots , \texttt{V->rows} -1 $ instead.
ZAn array of 3D-vectors. Z[j][0] will be the first component of the j-th vector. Analogously Z[j][1] will be the second component of the j-th vector. The length of this array is determined by A->cols .
bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the matrix entries.
VMatrix to store the computed results as stated above.
kernelThe kernel function to be integrated.
void fill_wave_bem3d ( pcbem3d  bem,
const real(*)  X[3],
const real(*)  Y[3],
const real(*)  NX[3],
const real(*)  NY[3],
pamatrix  V,
pcreal  dir,
kernel_wave_func3d  kernel 

Evaluate a modified kernel function $g_c$ at some points $x_i$ and $y_j$ for some direction $c$.

The function $g_c$ can be decomposed as $g_c(x,y) = g(x,y) e^{-\langle c, x - y \rangle}$.

bemBem3d object, that contains additional Information for the computation of the matrix entries.
XAn array of 3D-vectors. X[j][0] will be the first component of the j-th vector. Analogously X[j][1] will be the second component of the j-th vector. The length of this array is determined by V->rows .
YAn array of 3D-vectors. Y[j][0] will be the first component of the j-th vector. Analogously Y[j][1] will be the second component of the j-th vector. The length of this array is determined by V->cols .
NXAn array of normal vectors corresponding to the vectors X. These are only needed
NYAn array of normal vectors corresponding to the vectors Y.
VIn the entry $V_{ij}$ the evaluation of $g_c(x_i, x_j)$ will be stored.
dirDirection $c_\iota$ in which the modified kernel function should be evaluated.
kernelA modified kernel function $g_c(x,y)$ that has to be evaluated at points $x_i$ and $y_j$.
void integrate_bem3d_c_avector ( pbem3d  bem,
boundary_func3d  f,
pavector  w,
void *  data 

Computes the integral of a given function using piecewise constant basis functions over the boundary of a domain.

The entries of the vector $ f $ are defined as:

\[ f_i := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, r(\vec x, n(\vec x) ) \, \mathrm d \vec x \, , \]

with $ n(\vec x) $ being the outpointing normal vector at the point $ \vec x $.

bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the vector entries.
fThis callback defines the function to be integrated. Its arguments are an evaluation 3D-vector x and its normal vector n.
wThe integration coefficients are stored within this vector. Therefore its length has to be at least bem->gr->triangles.
dataAdditional data for evaluating the functional
void integrate_bem3d_l_avector ( pbem3d  bem,
boundary_func3d  f,
pavector  w,
void *  data 

Computes the integral of a given function using piecewise linear basis functions over the boundary of a domain.

The entries of the vector $ f $ are defined as:

\[ f_i := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, r(\vec x, n(\vec x) ) \, \mathrm d \vec x \, , \]

with $ n(\vec x) $ being the outpointing normal vector at the point $ \vec x $.

bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the vector entries.
fThis callback defines the function to be integrated. Its arguments are an evaluation 3D-vector x and its normal vector n.
wThe integration coefficients are stored within this vector. Therefore its length has to be at least bem->gr->vertices.
dataAdditional data for evaluating the functional
pbem3d new_bem3d ( pcsurface3d  gr,
basisfunctionbem3d  row_basis,
basisfunctionbem3d  col_basis 

Main constructor for bem3d objects.

Primary constructor for bem3d objects. Although a valid bem3d object will be returned it is not intended to use this constructor. Instead use a problem specific constructor such as new_slp_laplace_bem3d or new_dlp_laplace_bem3d .

gr3D geometry described as polyedric surface mesh.
row_basisType of basis functions that are used for the test space. Can be one of the values defined in basisfunctionbem3d.
col_basisType of basis functions that are used for the trial space. Can be one of the values defined in basisfunctionbem3d.
returns a valid bem3d object that will be used for almost all computations concerning a BEM-application.
ptri_list new_tri_list ( ptri_list  next)

Create a new list to store a number of triangles indices.

New list elements will be appended to the head of the list. Therefore the argument next has to point to the old list.

nextPointer to successor.
A new list with successor next is returned.
pvert_list new_vert_list ( pvert_list  next)

Create a new list to store a number of vertex indices.

New list elements will be appended to the head of the list. Therefore the argument next has to point to the old list.

nextPointer to successor.
A new list with successor next is returned.
real normL2_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
boundary_func3d  f,
void *  data 

Compute the $L_2(\Gamma)$-norm of some given function f.

bemBEM-object containing additional information for the computation.
fFunction for that the norm should be computed.
dataAdditional data needed to evaluate the function f.
$\lVert f \rVert_{L_2(\Gamma)}$ is returned.
real normL2_c_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pavector  x 

Compute the $L_2(\Gamma)$-norm of some given function $f$ in terms of a piecewise constant basis $\left( \varphi_i \right)_{i \in \mathcal I}$.

It holds

\[ f(\vec x) = \sum_{i \in \mathcal I} x_i \varphi_i(\vec x) \]

bemBEM-object containing additional information for the computation.
xCoefficient vector of $f$.
$\lVert f \rVert_{L_2(\Gamma)}$ is returned.
real normL2_l_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pavector  x 

Compute the $L_2(\Gamma)$-norm of some given function $f$ in terms of a piecewise linear basis $\left( \varphi_i \right)_{i \in \mathcal I}$.

It holds

\[ f(\vec x) = \sum_{i \in \mathcal I} x_i \varphi_i(\vec x) \]

bemBEM-object containing additional information for the computation.
xCoefficient vector of $f$.
$\lVert f \rVert_{L_2(\Gamma)}$ is returned.
real normL2diff_c_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pavector  x,
boundary_func3d  f,
void *  data 

Compute the $L_2(\Gamma)$ difference norm of some given function $g$ in terms of a piecewise constant basis $\left( \varphi_i \right)_{i \in \mathcal I}$ and some other function $f$.

It holds

\[ g(\vec x) = \sum_{i \in \mathcal I} x_i \varphi_i(\vec x) \]

bemBEM-object containing additional information for the computation.
xCoefficient vector of $g$.
fFunction for that the norm should be computed.
dataAdditional data needed to evaluate the function f.
$\lVert g - f \rVert_{L_2(\Gamma)}$ is returned.
real normL2diff_l_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pavector  x,
boundary_func3d  f,
void *  data 

Compute the $L_2(\Gamma)$ difference norm of some given function $g$ in terms of a piecewise linear basis $\left( \varphi_i \right)_{i \in \mathcal I}$ and some other function $f$.

It holds

\[ g(\vec x) = \sum_{i \in \mathcal I} x_i \varphi_i(\vec x) \]

bemBEM-object containing additional information for the computation.
xCoefficient vector of $g$.
fFunction for that the norm should be computed.
dataAdditional data needed to evaluate the function f.
$\lVert g - f \rVert_{L_2(\Gamma)}$ is returned.
void projectL2_bem3d_c_avector ( pbem3d  bem,
boundary_func3d  f,
pavector  w,
void *  data 

Computes the $ L_2 $-projection of a given function using piecewise constant basis functions over the boundary of a domain.

In case of piecewise constant basis functions the $ L_2 $-projection of a function $ r $ is defined as:

\[ f_i := \frac{2}{\lvert \Gamma_i \rvert} \, \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, r(\vec x, n(\vec x) ) \, \mathrm d \vec x \, , \]

with $ \lvert \Gamma_i \rvert $ meaning the area of triangle $ i $ and $ n(\vec x) $ being the outpointing normal vector at the point $ \vec x $.

bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the vector entries.
fThis callback defines the function to be $ L_2 $ projected. Its arguments are an evaluation 3D-vector x and its normal vector n.
wThe $ L_2 $-projection coefficients are stored within this vector. Therefore its length has to be at least bem->gr->triangles.
dataAdditional data for evaluating the functional
void projectL2_bem3d_l_avector ( pbem3d  bem,
boundary_func3d  f,
pavector  w,
void *  data 

Computes the $ L_2 $-projection of a given function using linear basis functions over the boundary of a domain.

In case of linear basis functions the $ L_2 $-projection of a function $ r $ is defined as:

\[ v_i := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, r(\vec x, n(\vec x) ) \, \mathrm d \vec x \, , \]

and then solving the equation

\[ M \, f = v \]

with $ \lvert \Gamma_i \rvert $ meaning the area of triangle $ i $, $ n(\vec x) $ being the outpointing normal vector at the point $ \vec x $ and $ M $ being the mass matrix for linear basis functions defined as:

\[ M_{ij} := \int_\Gamma \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \varphi_j(\vec x) \, \mathrm d \vec x \, . \]

bemBEM-object containing additional information for computation of the vector entries.
fThis callback defines the function to be $ L_2 $ projected. Its arguments are an evaluation 3D-vector x and its normal vector n.
wThe $ L_2 $-projection coefficients are stored within this vector. Therefore its length has to be at least bem->gr->triangles.
dataAdditional data for evaluating the functional
void setup_dh2matrix_aprx_inter_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pcdclusterbasis  rb,
pcdclusterbasis  cb,
pcdblock  tree,
uint  m 

Initialize the bem3d object for an interpolation based $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix approximation.

The corresponding dclusterbasis object has to be filled with assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_row_dclusterbasis and assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_col_dclusterbasis.

All parameters and callback functions for a $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix approximation based on interpolation are set with this function and collected in the bem object.

bemObject filled with the needed parameters and callback functions for the approximation.
rbdclusterbasis object for the row cluster.
cbdclusterbasis object for the column cluster.
treeRoot of the block tree.
mNumber of interpolation points in each dimension.
void setup_dh2matrix_aprx_inter_ortho_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pcdclusterbasis  rb,
pcdclusterbasis  cb,
pcdblock  tree,
uint  m 

Initialize the bem3d object for an interpolation based $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix approximation with orthogonal directional cluster basis.

The corresponding dclusterbasis object has to be filled with assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_ortho_row_dclusterbasis and assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_ortho_col_dclusterbasis, further for both cluster bases a dclusteroperator objects has to be created.

All parameters and callback functions for a $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix approximation based on interpolation and orthogonalized for smaller ranks are set with this function and collected in the bem object.

bemObject filled with the needed parameters and callback functions for the approximation.
rbdclusterbasis object for the row cluster.
cbdclusterbasis object for the column cluster.
treeRoot of the block tree.
mNumber of interpolation points in each dimension.
void setup_dh2matrix_aprx_inter_recomp_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pcdclusterbasis  rb,
pcdclusterbasis  cb,
pcdblock  tree,
uint  m,
ptruncmode  tm,
real  eps 

Initialize the bem3d object for an interpolation based $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix approximation with orthogonal directional cluster basis. During the filling process the $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix will be recompressed with respective to truncmode and the given accuracy eps.

The corresponding dclusterbasis object has to be filled with assemble_bem3d_dh2matrix_recomp_both_dclusterbasis, further for both cluster basis a dclusteroperator object has to be created.

All parameters and callback functions for a $\mathcal{DH}^2$-matrix approximation based on interpolation and immediate recompression for smaller ranks are set with this function and collected in the bem object.

bemObject filled with the needed parameters and callback functions for the approximation.
rbdclusterbasis object for the row cluster.
cbdclusterbasis object for the column cluster.
treeRoot of the block tree.
mNumber of interpolation points in each dimension.
tmtruncmode object for the choosen mode of truncation.
epsdesired accuracy for the truncation.
void setup_h2matrix_aprx_greenhybrid_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pcclusterbasis  rb,
pcclusterbasis  cb,
pcblock  tree,
uint  m,
uint  l,
real  delta,
real  accur,
quadpoints3d  quadpoints 

Initialize the bem3d object for approximating a h2matrix with green's method and ACA based recompression.

In case of leaf clusters, we use the techniques from setup_hmatrix_aprx_greenhybrid_row_bem3d and setup_hmatrix_aprx_greenhybrid_col_bem3d and construct two algebraic interpolation operators $ I_t $ and $ I_s $ and approximate an admissible block $ b = (t,s) \in \mathcal L_{\mathcal I \times \mathcal J}^+ $ by

\[ G_{| t \times s} \approx I_t \, G_{| t \times s} \, I_s^* \, . \]

This yields the representation:

\[ G_{| t \times s} \approx I_t \, G_{| t \times s} \, I_s^* = V_t \, R_t \, G_{| t \times s} \, R_s^* \, W_s^* = V_t \, S_b \, W_s^* \]

with $ S_b := R_t \, G_{| t \times s} \, R_s^* $ just a $ k \times k $-matrix taking just the pivot rows and columns of the original matrix $ G_{| t \times s} $.

In case of non leaf clusters transfer matrices $ E_{t_1} \ldots E_{t_\tau} $ and $ F_{s_1} \ldots F_{s_\sigma} $ are also introduced and the approximation of the block looks like:

\[ G_{| t \times s} \approx \begin{pmatrix} V_{t_1} & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & V_{t_\tau} \end{pmatrix} \, \begin{pmatrix} E_{t_1} \\ \vdots \\ E_{t_\tau} \end{pmatrix} S_b \, \begin{pmatrix} F_{s_1}^* & \cdots & F_{s_\sigma}^* \end{pmatrix} \, \begin{pmatrix} W_{s_1}^* & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & W_{s_\sigma}^* \end{pmatrix} \]

The transfer matrices are build up in the following way: At first for a non leaf cluster $ t \in \mathcal T_{\mathcal I} $ we construct a matrix $ A_t $ as in setup_hmatrix_aprx_green_row_bem3d but not with the index set $ \hat t $ but with the index set

\[ \bigcup_{t' \in \operatorname{sons}(t)} \, R_{t'} \, . \]

Then again we use adaptive cross approximation technique to receive

\[ A_t \approx C_t \, D_t^* \, . \]

And again we construct an interpolation operator as before:

\[ I_t := C_t \left( R_t \, C_t \right)^{-1} \, R_t \]

And finally we have to solve

\[ \begin{pmatrix} E_{t_1} \\ \vdots \\ E_{t_\tau} \end{pmatrix} = C_t \left( R_t \, C_t \right)^{-1} \]

for our desired $ E_{t'} $.
Respectively the transfer matrices for the column clusterbasis are constructed.

See also
bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rbRoot of the row clusterbasis.
cbRoot of the column clusterbasis.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
mNumber of gaussian quadrature points in each patch of the parameterization.
lNumber of subdivisions for gaussian quadrature in each patch of the parameterization.
deltaDefines the distance between the bounding box $ B_t $ or $ B_s $ and the Parameterization defined by quadpoints.
accurAssesses the minimum accuracy for the ACA approximation.
quadpointsThis callback function defines a parameterization and it has to return valid quadrature points, weight and normalvectors on the parameterization.
void setup_h2matrix_aprx_greenhybrid_ortho_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pcclusterbasis  rb,
pcclusterbasis  cb,
pcblock  tree,
uint  m,
uint  l,
real  delta,
real  accur,
quadpoints3d  quadpoints 

Initialize the bem3d object for approximating a h2matrix with green's method and ACA based recompression. The resulting clusterbasis will be orthogonal.

In case of leaf clusters, we use the techniques similar to setup_hmatrix_aprx_greenhybrid_row_bem3d and setup_hmatrix_aprx_greenhybrid_col_bem3d and construct two algebraic interpolation operators $ I_t $ and $ I_s $ and approximate an admissible block $ b = (t,s) \in \mathcal L_{\mathcal I \times \mathcal J}^+ $ by

\[ G_{| t \times s} \approx I_t \, G_{| t \times s} \, I_s^* \, . \]

This yields the representation:

\[ G_{| t \times s} \approx I_t \, G_{| t \times s} \, I_s^* = V_t \, R_t \, G_{| t \times s} \, R_s^* \, W_s^* = V_t \, S_b \, W_s^* \]

with $ S_b := R_t \, G_{| t \times s} \, R_s^* $ just a $ k \times k $-matrix taking just the pivot rows and columns of the original matrix $ G_{| t \times s} $.

In case of non leaf clusters transfer matrices $ E_{t_1} \ldots E_{t_\tau} $ and $ F_{s_1} \ldots F_{s_\sigma} $ are also introduced and the approximation of the block looks like:

\[ G_{| t \times s} \approx \begin{pmatrix} V_{t_1} & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & V_{t_\tau} \end{pmatrix} \, \begin{pmatrix} E_{t_1} \\ \vdots \\ E_{t_\tau} \end{pmatrix} S_b \, \begin{pmatrix} F_{s_1}^* & \cdots & F_{s_\sigma}^* \end{pmatrix} \, \begin{pmatrix} W_{s_1}^* & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & W_{s_\sigma}^* \end{pmatrix} \]

The transfer matrices are build up in the following way: At first for a non leaf cluster $ t \in \mathcal T_{\mathcal I} $ we construct a matrix $ A_t $ as in setup_hmatrix_aprx_green_row_bem3d but not with the index set $ \hat t $ but with the index set

\[ \bigcup_{t' \in \operatorname{sons}(t)} \, R_{t'} \, . \]

Then again we use adaptive cross approximation technique to receive

\[ A_t \approx C_t \, D_t^* \, . \]

And again we construct an interpolation operator as before:

\[ I_t := C_t \left( R_t \, C_t \right)^{-1} \, R_t \]

And finally we have to solve

\[ \begin{pmatrix} E_{t_1} \\ \vdots \\ E_{t_\tau} \end{pmatrix} = C_t \left( R_t \, C_t \right)^{-1} \]

for our desired $ E_{t'} $.
Respectively the transfer matrices for the column clusterbasis are constructed.

See also
bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rbRoot of the row clusterbasis.
cbRoot of the column clusterbasis.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
mNumber of gaussian quadrature points in each patch of the parameterization.
lNumber of subdivisions for gaussian quadrature in each patch of the parameterization.
deltaDefines the distance between the bounding box $ B_t $ or $ B_s $ and the Parameterization defined by quadpoints.
accurAssesses the minimum accuracy for the ACA approximation.
quadpointsThis callback function defines a parameterization and it has to return valid quadrature points, weight and normalvectors on the parameterization.
void setup_h2matrix_aprx_inter_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pcclusterbasis  rb,
pcclusterbasis  cb,
pcblock  tree,
uint  m 

Initialize the bem3d object for approximating a h2matrix with tensorinterpolation.

In case of leaf cluster $ t, s $ this approximation scheme creates a h2matrix approximation of the following form:

\[ G_{| t \times s} \approx V_t \, S_b \, W_s^* \]

with the matrices defined as

\[ \left( V_t \right)_{i\mu} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \mathcal L_\mu(\vec x) \, \mathrm d \vec x \]

\[ \left( W_s \right)_{j\nu} := \int_\Gamma \, \Lambda_\nu(\vec y) \, \psi_j(\vec y) \, \mathrm d \vec y \]

\[ \left( S_b \right)_{\mu\nu} := g(\vec \xi_\mu, \vec \xi_\nu) \, . \]

Here $ \Lambda_\nu $ depends on the choice of the integral operator: in case of the single layer potential it applies $ \Lambda_\nu = \mathcal L_\nu $ and in case of the double layer potential it applies $ \Lambda_\nu = \frac{\partial \mathcal L_\nu}{\partial n} $ .

In case of non leaf clusters transfer matrices $ E_{t_1} \ldots E_{t_\tau} $ and $ F_{s_1} \ldots F_{s_\sigma} $ are also constructed and the approximation of the block looks like:

\[ G_{| t \times s} \approx \begin{pmatrix} V_{t_1} & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & V_{t_\tau} \end{pmatrix} \, \begin{pmatrix} E_{t_1} \\ \vdots \\ E_{t_\tau} \end{pmatrix} S_b \, \begin{pmatrix} F_{s_1}^* & \cdots & F_{s_\sigma}^* \end{pmatrix} \, \begin{pmatrix} W_{s_1}^* & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & W_{s_\sigma}^* \end{pmatrix} \]

The transfer matrices look like

\[ \left( E_{t_i} \right)_{\mu\mu'} := \mathcal L_{\mu}(\xi_{\mu'}) \]


\[ \left( F_{s_j} \right)_{\nu\nu'} := \mathcal L_{\nu}(\xi_{\nu'}) \]

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rbRoot of the row clusterbasis.
cbRoot of the column clusterbasis.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
mNumber of Chebyshev interpolation points in each spatial dimension.
void setup_h2matrix_recomp_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
bool  hiercomp,
real  accur_hiercomp 

Enables hierarchical recompression for hmatrices.

This function enables hierarchical recompression. It is only necessary to initialize the bem3d object with some hmatrix compression technique such as setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_row_bem3d . Afterwards one just has to call assemblehiercomp_bem3d_h2matrix to create a initially compressed h2matrix approximation.

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for h2-recompression are set within the bem object.
hiercompA flag to indicates whether hierarchical recompression should be used or not.
accur_hiercompThe accuracy the hierarchical recompression technique will use to create a compressed h2matrix.
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_aca_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
pcblock  tree,
real  accur 

Approximate matrix block with ACA using full pivoting.

This approximation scheme will utilize adaptive cross approximation with full pivoting to retrieve a rank-k-approximation as

\[ G_{|t \times s} \approx A_b \, B_b^* \]

with a given accuracy accur.

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rcRoot of the row clustertree.
ccRoot of the column clustertree.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
accurAssesses the minimum accuracy for the ACA approximation.
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_green_col_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
pcblock  tree,
uint  m,
uint  l,
real  delta,
quadpoints3d  quadpoints 

creating hmatrix approximation using green's method with column cluster .

This function initializes the bem3d object for approximating a matrix using green's formula. The approximation is based upon an expansion around the column cluster. For an admissible block $ b = (t,s) \in \mathcal L_{\mathcal I \times \mathcal J}^+ $ one yields an approximation in shape of

\[ G_{|t \times s} \approx A_{t,s} \, B_s^* \quad \text{with} \]

\[ \left( A_{t,s}^1 \right)_{i\nu} := \omega_\nu \, \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \frac{\partial g}{\partial n_z} (\vec x, \vec z_\nu) \, \mathrm d \vec x \quad , \]

\[ \left( A_{t,s}^2 \right)_{i\nu} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, g(\vec x, \vec z_\nu) \, \mathrm d \vec x \quad , \]

\[ A_{t,s} = \begin{pmatrix} A^1_{t,s} & A^2_{t,s} \end{pmatrix} \quad , \]

\[ \left( B_s^1 \right)_{j\nu} := \int_\Gamma \, \gamma (\vec z_\nu, \vec y) \, \psi_j(\vec y) \, \mathrm d \vec y \quad , \]

\[ \left( B_s^2 \right)_{j\nu} := -\omega_\nu \, \int_\Gamma \, \frac{\partial \gamma}{\partial n_z}(\vec z_\nu, \vec y) \, \psi_j(\vec y) \, \mathrm d \vec y \quad \text{and} \]

\[ B_s = \begin{pmatrix} B_s^1 & B_s^2 \end{pmatrix} . \]

$ \gamma $ is the underlying kernel function defined by the the integral operator. In case of single layer potential it applies $ \gamma = g $ but in case of double layer potential it applies $ \gamma = \frac{\partial g}{\partial n_y} $ . The green quadrature points $ z_\nu $ and the weight $ \omega_\nu $ depend on the choice of quadpoints and delta, which define the parameterization around the row cluster.

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rcRoot of the row clustertree.
ccRoot of the column clustertree.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
mNumber of gaussian quadrature points in each patch of the parameterization.
lNumber of subdivisions for gaussian quadrature in each patch of the parameterization.
deltaDefines the distance between the bounding box $ B_s $ and the Parameterization defined by quadpoints.
quadpointsThis callback function defines a parameterization and it has to return valid quadrature points, weight and normalvectors on the parameterization.
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_green_mixed_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
pcblock  tree,
uint  m,
uint  l,
real  delta,
quadpoints3d  quadpoints 

creating hmatrix approximation using green's method with one of row or column cluster .

This function initializes the bem3d object for approximating a matrix using green's formula. The approximation is based upon an expansion around the row or column cluster depending on the diamter of their bounding boxes.. For an admissible block $ b = (t,s) \in \mathcal L_{\mathcal I \times \mathcal J}^+ $ one yields an approximation in shape of

\[ G_{|t \times s} \approx \begin{cases} \begin{array}{ll} A_{t,s} \, B_s^* &: \operatorname{diam}(t) < \operatorname{diam}(s)\\ A_t \, B_{t,s}^* &: \operatorname{diam}(t) \geq \operatorname{diam}(s) \end{array} \end{cases} \]

For definition of these matrices see setup_hmatrix_aprx_green_row_bem3d and setup_hmatrix_aprx_green_col_bem3d .

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rcRoot of the row clustertree.
ccRoot of the column clustertree.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
mNumber of gaussian quadrature points in each patch of the parameterization.
lNumber of subdivisions for gaussian quadrature in each patch of the parameterization.
deltaDefines the distance between the bounding box $ B_t $ or $ B_s $ and the Parameterization defined by quadpoints.
quadpointsThis callback function defines a parameterization and it has to return valid quadrature points, weight and normalvectors on the parameterization.
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_green_row_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
pcblock  tree,
uint  m,
uint  l,
real  delta,
quadpoints3d  quadpoints 

creating hmatrix approximation using green's method with row cluster .

This function initializes the bem2d object for approximating a matrix using green's formula. The approximation is based upon an expansion around the row cluster. For an admissible block $ b = (t,s) \in \mathcal L_{\mathcal I \times \mathcal J}^+ $ one yields an approximation in shape of

\[ G_{|t \times s} \approx A_t \, B_{t,s}^* \quad \text{with} \]

\[ \left( A_t^1 \right)_{i\nu} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, g(\vec x, \vec z_\nu) \, \mathrm d \vec x \quad , \]

\[ \left( A_t^2 \right)_{i\nu} := \omega_\nu \, \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \frac{\partial g}{\partial n_z} (\vec x, \vec z_\nu) \, \mathrm d \vec x \quad , \]

\[ A_t = \begin{pmatrix} A^1_t & A^2_t \end{pmatrix} \quad , \]

\[ \left( B_{t,s}^1 \right)_{j\nu} := \omega_\nu \, \int_\Gamma \, \frac{\partial \gamma}{\partial n_z} (\vec z_\nu, \vec y) \, \psi_j(\vec y) \, \mathrm d \vec y \quad , \]

\[ \left( B_{t,s}^2 \right)_{j\nu} := -\int_\Gamma \, \gamma(\vec z_\nu, \vec y) \, \psi_j(\vec y) \, \mathrm d \vec y \quad \text{and} \]

\[ B_{t,s} = \begin{pmatrix} B_{t,s}^1 & B_{t,s}^2 \end{pmatrix} . \]

$ \gamma $ is the underlying kernel function defined by the the integral operator. In case of single layer potential it applies $ \gamma = g $ but in case of double layer potential it applies $ \gamma = \frac{\partial g}{\partial n_y} $ . The green quadrature points $ z_\nu $ and the weight $ \omega_\nu $ depend on the choice of quadpoints and delta, which define the parameterization around the row cluster.

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rcRoot of the row clustertree.
ccRoot of the column clustertree.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
mNumber of gaussian quadrature points in each patch of the parameterization.
lNumber of subdivisions for gaussian quadrature in each patch of the parameterization.
deltaDefines the distance between the bounding box $ B_t $ and the parameterization defined by quadpoints.
quadpointsThis callback function defines a parameterization and it has to return valid quadrature points, weight and normalvectors on the parameterization.
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_greenhybrid_col_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
pcblock  tree,
uint  m,
uint  l,
real  delta,
real  accur,
quadpoints3d  quadpoints 

creating hmatrix approximation using green's method with column cluster connected with recompression technique using ACA.

This function initializes the bem3d object for approximating a matrix using green's formula and ACA recompression. The approximation is based upon an expansion around the column cluster and a recompression using adaptive cross approximation.

In a first step the algorithm creates the same matrix $ B_s $ as in setup_hmatrix_aprx_green_col_bem3d. From this matrix we create a new approximation by using ACA with full pivoting (decomp_fullaca_rkmatrix) and we get a new rank-k-approximation of $ B_s $:

\[ B_s \approx C_s \, D_s^* . \]

Afterwards we define an algebraic interpolation operator

\[ I_s := C_s \, \left(R_s \, C_s \right)^{-1} \, R_s \]

with $ R_s $ selecting the pivot rows from the ACA-algorithm. Appling $ I_s $ to our matrix block $ G_{|t \times s} $ we yield:

\[ G_{| t \times s} \approx G_{| t \times s} \, I_s^* = G_{| t \times s} \, \left( C_s \, \left(R_s \, C_s \right)^{-1} \, R_s \right)^* = A_{t,s} \, W_s^* \, . \]

This defines our final approximation of the block with the matrices

\[ A_{t,s} := G_{| t \times s} \, R_s^* \]


\[ W_s := C_s \, \left(R_s \, C_s \right)^{-1} \, . \]

In order to save time and storage we compute the matrices $ W_s $ only once for each cluster $ s \in \mathcal T_{\mathcal J} $.

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rcRoot of the row clustertree.
ccRoot of the column clustertree.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
mNumber of gaussian quadrature points in each patch of the parameterization.
lNumber of subdivisions for gaussian quadrature in each patch of the parameterization.
deltaDefines the distance between the bounding box $ B_s $ and the parameterization defined by quadpoints.
accurAssesses the minimum accuracy for the ACA approximation.
quadpointsThis callback function defines a parameterization and it has to return valid quadrature points, weight and normalvectors on the parameterization.
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_greenhybrid_mixed_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
pcblock  tree,
uint  m,
uint  l,
real  delta,
real  accur,
quadpoints3d  quadpoints 

creating hmatrix approximation using green's method with row or column cluster connected with recompression technique using ACA.

This function initializes the bem3d object for approximating a matrix using green's formula and ACA recompression. The approximation is based upon an expansion around the row or column cluster and a recompression using adaptive cross approximation.

Depending on the rank produced by either setup_hmatrix_aprx_greenhybrid_row_bem3d or setup_hmatrix_aprx_greenhybrid_col_bem3d we define this approximation by

\[ G_{|t \times s} \approx \begin{cases} \begin{array}{ll} V_t \, B_{t,s}* &: \operatorname{rank}(V_t) \leq \operatorname{rank}(W_s)\\ A_{t,s} \, W_s* &: \operatorname{rank}(V_t) > \operatorname{rank}(W_s) \quad . \end{array} \end{cases} \]

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rcRoot of the row clustertree.
ccRoot of the column clustertree.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
mNumber of gaussian quadrature points in each patch of the parameterization.
lNumber of subdivisions for gaussian quadrature in each patch of the parameterization.
deltaDefines the distance between the bounding box $ B_t $ or $ B_s $ and the parameterization defined by quadpoints.
accurAssesses the minimum accuracy for the ACA approximation.
quadpointsThis callback function defines a parameterization and it has to return valid quadrature points, weight and normalvectors on the parameterization.
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_greenhybrid_row_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
pcblock  tree,
uint  m,
uint  l,
real  delta,
real  accur,
quadpoints3d  quadpoints 

creating hmatrix approximation using green's method with row cluster connected with recompression technique using ACA.

This function initializes the bem3d object for approximating a matrix using green's formula and ACA recompression. The approximation is based upon an expansion around the row cluster and a recompression using adaptive cross approximation.

In a first step the algorithm creates the same matrix $ A_t $ as in setup_hmatrix_aprx_green_row_bem3d. From this matrix we create a new approximation by using ACA with full pivoting (decomp_fullaca_rkmatrix) and we get a new rank-k-approximation of $ A_t $:

\[ A_t \approx C_t \, D_t^* . \]

Afterwards we define an algebraic interpolation operator

\[ I_t := C_t \, \left(R_t \, C_t \right)^{-1} \, R_t \]

with $ R_t $ selecting the pivot rows from the ACA-algorithm. Appling $ I_t $ to our matrix block $ G_{|t \times s} $ we yield:

\[ G_{| t \times s} \approx I_t \, G_{| t \times s} = C_t \, \left(R_t \, C_t \right)^{-1} \, R_t \, G_{| t \times s} = V_t \, B_{t,s}^* \, . \]

This defines our final approximation of the block with the matrices

\[ V_t := C_t \, \left(R_t \, C_t \right)^{-1} \]


\[ B_{t,s} := \left( R_t \, G_{| t \times s} \right)^* \, . \]

In order to save time and storage we compute the matrices $ V_t $ only once for each cluster $ t \in \mathcal T_{\mathcal I} $.

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rcRoot of the row clustertree.
ccRoot of the column clustertree.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
mNumber of gaussian quadrature points in each patch of the parameterization.
lNumber of subdivisions for gaussian quadrature in each patch of the parameterization.
deltaDefines the distance between the bounding box $ B_t $ and the parameterization defined by quadpoints.
accurAssesses the minimum accuracy for the ACA approximation.
quadpointsThis callback function defines a parameterization and it has to return valid quadrature points, weight and normalvectors on the parameterization.
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_hca_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
pcblock  tree,
uint  m,
real  accur 

Approximate matrix block with hybrid cross approximation using Interpolation and ACA with full pivoting.

At first for a block $ b = (t,s) \in \mathcal L_{\mathcal I \times \mathcal J}^+ $ the matrix $ S $ with $ S_{\mu\nu} = g(\vec \xi_\mu, \vec \xi\nu) $ is set up with $ \vec \xi_\mu $ interpolation points from $ B_t $ and $ \vec \xi_\nu $ interpolation points from $ B_s $ . Then applying ACA with full pivoting to $ S $ yields the representation:

\[ S_{\mu\nu} \approx \sum_{\alpha = 1}^k \sum_{\beta = 1}^k \, S_{\mu \alpha} \, \hat S_{\alpha \beta} \, S_{\beta \nu} \]

with $ \hat S := \left( S_{|I_t \times I_s} \right)^{-1} $ and $ I_t \, , I_s $ defining the pivot rows and columns from the ACA algoritm. This means we can rewrite the fundamental solution $ g $ as follows:

\[ g(\vec x, \vec y) \approx \sum_{\mu = 1}^{m^3 }\sum_{\nu = 1}^{m^3} \mathcal L_\mu(\vec x) \, g(\vec \xi_\mu, \vec \xi\nu) \, \mathcal L_\nu(\vec y) \approx \sum_{\mu = 1}^{m^3 }\sum_{\nu = 1}^{m^3} \sum_{\alpha = 1}^k \sum_{\beta = 1}^k \mathcal L_\mu(\vec x) \, S_{\mu \alpha} \, \hat S_{\alpha \beta} \, S_{\beta \nu} \, \mathcal L_\nu(\vec y) \]

Now reversing the interpolation we can express this formula as:

\[ g(\vec x, \vec y) \approx \sum_{\alpha = 1}^k \sum_{\beta = 1}^k \, \hat S_{\alpha \beta} \, \sum_{\mu = 1}^{m^3 } \, \left( \mathcal L_\mu(\vec x) \, S_{\mu \alpha} \right) \, \sum_{\nu = 1}^{m^3} \left( S_{\beta \nu} \, \mathcal L_\nu(\vec y) \right) \approx \sum_{\alpha = 1}^k \sum_{\beta = 1}^k \, g(\vec x, \vec \xi_\alpha) \, \hat S_{\alpha \beta} \, g(\vec \xi_\beta, \vec y) \]

Depending on the condition $ \#t < \#s \text{ or } \#t \geq \#s $ we can now construct the rank-k-approximation as

\[ G_{|t \times s} \approx \left( A_b \, \hat S \right) \, B_b^* \quad \text{or} \]

\[ G_{|t \times s} \approx A_b \, \left( B_b \,\hat S \right)^* \]

with matrices

\[ \left( A_b \right)_{i\alpha} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi(\vec x) \, g(\vec x, \vec \xi_\alpha) \, \mathrm d \vec x \quad , \]

\[ \left( B_b \right)_{j\beta} := \int_\Gamma \, g(\vec \xi_\beta, \vec y) \, \psi(\vec y) \, \mathrm d \vec y \quad . \]

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rcRoot of the row clustertree.
ccRoot of the column clustertree.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
mNumber of Chebyshev interpolation points in each spatial dimension.
accurAssesses the minimum accuracy for the ACA approximation.
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_col_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
pcblock  tree,
uint  m 

This function initializes the bem3d object for approximating a matrix with tensorinterpolation within the column cluster.

The approximation of an admissible block $ b = (t,s) \in \mathcal L_{\mathcal I \times \mathcal J}^+ $ is done by:

\[ G_{|t \times s} \approx A_{t,s} \, B_s^* \quad \text{with} \]

\[ \left( A_{t,s} \right)_{i\mu} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, g(\vec x , \, \vec \xi_\mu) \, \mathrm d \vec x \quad \text{and} \]

\[ \left( B_s \right)_{j\mu} := \int_\Gamma \, \Lambda_\mu(\vec y) \, \psi_j(\vec y) \, \mathrm d \vec y \, . \]

with $ \Lambda $ being either the Lagrange polynomial $ \mathcal L $ itself in case of single layer potential, or $ \Lambda = \frac{\partial \mathcal L}{\partial n} $ in case of double layer potential.

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rcRoot of the row clustertree.
ccRoot of the column clustertree.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
mNumber of Chebyshev interpolation points in each spatial dimension.
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_mixed_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
pcblock  tree,
uint  m 

This function initializes the bem3d object for approximating a matrix with tensorinterpolation within one of row or column cluster.

The interpolation depends on the condition:

\[ G_{|t \times s} \approx \begin{cases}\begin{array}{ll} A_t \, B_{t,s}^* &: \operatorname{diam}(t) <\operatorname{diam}(s)\\ A_{t,s} \, B_s^* &: \operatorname{diam}(t) \geq \operatorname{diam}(s) \end{array} \end{cases} \]

For definition of these matrices see setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_row_bem3d and setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_col_bem3d .

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rcRoot of the row clustertree.
ccRoot of the column clustertree.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
mNumber of Chebyshev interpolation points in each spatial dimension.
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_inter_row_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
pcblock  tree,
uint  m 

This function initializes the bem3d object for approximating a matrix with tensorinterpolation within the row cluster.

The approximation of an admissible block $ b = (t,s) \in \mathcal L_{\mathcal I \times \mathcal J}^+ $ is done by:

\[ G_{|t \times s} \approx A_t \, B_{t,s}^* \quad \text{with} \]

\[ \left( A_t \right)_{i\mu} := \int_\Gamma \, \varphi_i(\vec x) \, \mathcal L_\mu(\vec x) \, \mathrm d \vec x \quad \text{and} \]

\[ \left( B_{t,s} \right)_{j\mu} := \int_\Gamma \, \gamma(\vec \xi_\mu , \, \vec y ) \, \psi_j(\vec y) \, \mathrm d \vec y \, . \]

with $ \gamma $ being the kernel function of the underlying integral operator. In case of the single layer potential this equal to the fundamental solution $ g $ , in case of double layer potential this applies to $ \gamma = \frac{\partial g}{\partial n_y} $ .

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rcRoot of the row clustertree.
ccRoot of the column clustertree.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
mNumber of Chebyshev interpolation points in each spatial dimension.
void setup_hmatrix_aprx_paca_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
pcblock  tree,
real  accur 

Approximate matrix block with ACA using partial pivoting.

This approximation scheme will utilize adaptive cross approximation with partial pivoting to retrieve a rank-k-approximation as

\[ G_{|t \times s} \approx A_b \, B_b^* \]

with a given accuracy accur.

bemAll needed callback functions and parameters for this approximation scheme are set within the bem object.
rcRoot of the row clustertree.
ccRoot of the column clustertree.
treeRoot of the blocktree.
accurAssesses the minimum accuracy for the ACA approximation.
void setup_hmatrix_recomp_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem,
bool  recomp,
real  accur_recomp,
bool  coarsen,
real  accur_coarsen 

Initialize the bem object for on the fly recompression techniques.

bemAccording to the other parameters within bem->aprx there are set some flags that indicate which of the recompression techniques should be used while building up a hmatrix .
recompIf this flag is set to true a blockwise recompression will be applied. For each block $ b = (t,s) \in \mathcal L^+ $ independent on the approximation technique we will yield an approximation of the following kind:

\[ G_{|t \times s} \approx A B^* \quad A \in \mathbb K^{\hat t \times k} \, B \in \mathbb K^{\hat s \times k} \]

After compression we yield a new rank-k-approximation holding

\[ G_{|t \times s} \approx \widetilde A \widetilde B^* \quad \widetilde A \in \mathbb K^{\hat t \times \widetilde k} \, \widetilde B \in \mathbb K^{\hat s \times \widetilde k} \]

and $ \widetilde k \leq k $ depending on the accuracy accur_recomp
accur_recompThe accuracy the blockwise recompression will used to compress a block with SVD.
coarsenIf a block consists of $ \tau $ sons which are all leafs of the blocktree, then it can be more efficient to store them as a single admissible leaf. This is done by "coarsening" recursively using the SVD.
accur_coarsenThe accuracy the coarsen technique will use to determine the coarsened block structure.
void setup_vertex_to_triangle_map_bem3d ( pbem3d  bem)

initializes the field bem->v2t when using linear basis functions

bemthe bem3d object for which the vertex to triangle map should be computed.