H2Lib  3.0
Data Structures | Typedefs | Functions

Representation of a hierarchical matrix. More...

Data Structures

struct  _hmatrix
 Representation of $\mathcal{H}$-matrices. More...


typedef struct _hmatrix hmatrix
 Representation of a hierarchical matrix.
typedef hmatrixphmatrix
 Pointer to a hmatrix object.
typedef const hmatrixpchmatrix
 Pointer to constant hmatrix object.


phmatrix init_hmatrix (phmatrix hm, pccluster rc, pccluster cc)
 Initialize a hmatrix object. More...
void uninit_hmatrix (phmatrix hm)
 Uninitialize a hmatrix object. More...
phmatrix new_hmatrix (pccluster rc, pccluster cc)
 Create a new hmatrix object. More...
phmatrix new_rk_hmatrix (pccluster rc, pccluster cc, uint k)
 Create a new hmatrix object representing a low-rank matrix. More...
phmatrix new_full_hmatrix (pccluster rc, pccluster cc)
 Create a new hmatrix object representing a standard dense matrix. More...
phmatrix new_super_hmatrix (pccluster rc, pccluster cc, uint rsons, uint csons)
 Create a new hmatrix object representing a subdivided matrix. More...
phmatrix clone_hmatrix (pchmatrix src)
 Creates a clone of an existing hmatrix. More...
phmatrix clonestructure_hmatrix (pchmatrix src)
 Clones the structure of an existing hmatrix. More...
void update_hmatrix (phmatrix hm)
 Complete the initialisation of a hmatrix object. More...
void del_hmatrix (phmatrix hm)
 Delete a hmatrix object. More...
void ref_hmatrix (phmatrix *ptr, phmatrix hm)
 Set a pointer to a hmatrix object, increase its reference counter, and decrease reference counter of original pointer target. More...
void unref_hmatrix (phmatrix hm)
 Reduce the reference counter of a hmatrix object. More...
size_t getsize_hmatrix (pchmatrix hm)
 Get size of a given hmatrix object. More...
size_t getnearsize_hmatrix (pchmatrix hm)
 Get size of the nearfield part of a given hmatrix object. More...
size_t getfarsize_hmatrix (pchmatrix hm)
 Get size of the farfield part of a given hmatrix object. More...
uint getrows_hmatrix (pchmatrix a)
 Get the number of rows of a hmatrix $A$. More...
uint getcols_hmatrix (pchmatrix a)
 Get the number of columns of a hmatrix $A$. More...
void clear_hmatrix (phmatrix hm)
 Set a hmatrix to zero by clearing all far- and nearfield matrices. More...
void clear_upper_hmatrix (phmatrix hm, bool strict)
 Set the upper triangular part of a hmatrix to zero by clearing all far- and nearfield matrices. More...
void copy_hmatrix (pchmatrix src, phmatrix trg)
 Copy a matrix src to an existing matrix dst. More...
void identity_hmatrix (phmatrix hm)
 Fill a hmatrix with an identity matrix. More...
void random_hmatrix (phmatrix hm, uint kmax)
 Fill a hmatrix with random field values. The maximal rank for admissible leaves is determined by kmax. More...
phmatrix build_from_block_hmatrix (pcblock b, uint k)
 Build an hmatrix object from a block tree using a given local rank. More...
pblock build_from_hmatrix_block (pchmatrix G)
 Build an block tree from an hmatrix. More...
void mvm_hmatrix_avector (field alpha, bool atrans, pchmatrix a, pcavector x, pavector y)
 Matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A x$ or $y \gets y + \alpha A^* x$. More...
void fastaddeval_hmatrix_avector (field alpha, pchmatrix hm, pcavector xp, pavector yp)
 Matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A x$. More...
void addeval_hmatrix_avector (field alpha, pchmatrix hm, pcavector x, pavector y)
 Matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A x$. More...
void fastaddevaltrans_hmatrix_avector (field alpha, pchmatrix hm, pcavector xp, pavector yp)
 Adjoint matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A^* x$. More...
void addevaltrans_hmatrix_avector (field alpha, pchmatrix hm, pcavector x, pavector y)
 Adjoint matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A^* x$. More...
void fastaddevalsymm_hmatrix_avector (field alpha, pchmatrix hm, pcavector xp, pavector yp)
 Matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A x$ with symmetric matrix $A$. More...
void addevalsymm_hmatrix_avector (field alpha, pchmatrix hm, pcavector x, pavector y)
 Matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A x$ with symmetric matrix $A$. More...
phmatrixenumerate_hmatrix (pcblock b, phmatrix hm)
 Enumerate hmatrix according to block tree. More...
real norm2_hmatrix (pchmatrix H)
 Approximate the spectral norm $\|H\|_2$ of a matrix $H$. More...
real norm2diff_hmatrix (pchmatrix a, pchmatrix b)
 Approximate the spectral norm $\|A-B\|_2$ of the difference of two matrices $A$ and $B$. More...
void write_cdf_hmatrix (pchmatrix G, const char *name)
 Write a matrix into a NetCDF file. More...
void write_cdfpart_hmatrix (pchmatrix G, int nc_file, const char *prefix)
 Write a matrix into a NetCDF file. More...
phmatrix read_cdf_hmatrix (const char *name, pccluster rc, pccluster cc)
 Read a matrix from a NetCDF file. More...
phmatrix read_cdfpart_hmatrix (int nc_file, const char *prefix, pccluster rc, pccluster cc)
 Read a matrix from a NetCDF file. More...
void write_cdfcomplete_hmatrix (pchmatrix G, const char *name)
 Write hmatrix to NetCDF file, including cluster trees. More...
phmatrix read_cdfcomplete_hmatrix (const char *name)
 Read hmatrix from NetCDF file, including cluster trees. More...
void write_hlib_hmatrix (pchmatrix G, const char *filename)
 Write a matrix into an ASCII file in the old HLib format. More...
phmatrix read_hlib_hmatrix (const char *filename)
 Read a matrix from an ASCII file in the old HLib format. More...
phmatrix read_hlibsymm_hmatrix (const char *filename)
 Read a symmetric matrix from an ASCII file in the old HLib format. More...
void draw_cairo_hmatrix (cairo_t *cr, pchmatrix hm, bool storage, uint levels)
 Draw a hierarchical matrix. More...
void copy_sparsematrix_hmatrix (psparsematrix sp, phmatrix hm)
 Copy entries of a sparsematrix into a hierarchical matrix. More...

Detailed Description

Representation of a hierarchical matrix.

The hmatrix class is used to represent hierarchical matrices with arbitrary block structures and arbitrary rank distributions.

Function Documentation

void addeval_hmatrix_avector ( field  alpha,
pchmatrix  hm,
pcavector  x,
pavector  y 

Matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A x$.

The matrix is multiplied by the source vector $x$, the result is scaled by $\alpha$ and added to the target vector $y$.

alphaScaling factor $\alpha$.
hmMatrix $A$.
xSource vector $x$.
yTarget vector $y$.
void addevalsymm_hmatrix_avector ( field  alpha,
pchmatrix  hm,
pcavector  x,
pavector  y 

Matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A x$ with symmetric matrix $A$.

The matrix is multiplied by the source vector $x$, the result is scaled by $\alpha$ and added to the target vector $y$. Only the lower triangular part of $A$ is used.

alphaScaling factor $\alpha$.
hmMatrix $A$.
xSource vector $x$.
yTarget vector $y$.
void addevaltrans_hmatrix_avector ( field  alpha,
pchmatrix  hm,
pcavector  x,
pavector  y 

Adjoint matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A^* x$.

The matrix is multiplied by the source vector $x$, the result is scaled by $\alpha$ and added to the target vector $y$.

alphaScaling factor $\alpha$.
hmMatrix $A$.
xSource vector $x$.
yTarget vector $y$.
phmatrix build_from_block_hmatrix ( pcblock  b,
uint  k 

Build an hmatrix object from a block tree using a given local rank.

Submatrices for far- and nearfield leaves are created, but their coefficients are not initialized.
bBlock tree.
kLocal rank.
New hmatrix object.
pblock build_from_hmatrix_block ( pchmatrix  G)

Build an block tree from an hmatrix.

GInput hmatrix.
New block tree corresponding to the structure of G.
void clear_hmatrix ( phmatrix  hm)

Set a hmatrix to zero by clearing all far- and nearfield matrices.

hmTarget matrix.
void clear_upper_hmatrix ( phmatrix  hm,
bool  strict 

Set the upper triangular part of a hmatrix to zero by clearing all far- and nearfield matrices.

hmTarget matrix.
strictIs set, if only the strict upper triangular part should be cleared.
phmatrix clone_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  src)

Creates a clone of an existing hmatrix.

This function creates a clone of an existing hmatrix. I.e. a new hmatrix object is created with the same block structure as the input matrix. Further all rank k matrices and dense matrices are copied to the clone aswell.

srcHmatrix to be cloned.
Clone of src.
phmatrix clonestructure_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  src)

Clones the structure of an existing hmatrix.

This function clones the structure of an existing hmatrix. I.e. a new hmatrix object is created with the same block structure and local ranks as the input matrix. But the matrix entries from src are not copied out to the resulting matrix.

srcHmatrix to be cloned.
Clone of src.
void copy_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  src,
phmatrix  trg 

Copy a matrix src to an existing matrix dst.

It is assumed, that dst has exactly the same block structure as src.

srcSource matrix.
trgTarget matrix.
void copy_sparsematrix_hmatrix ( psparsematrix  sp,
phmatrix  hm 

Copy entries of a sparsematrix into a hierarchical matrix.

Copy the entries of a sparsematrix into a hierarchical matrix of the same dimensions. The hierarchical matrix has to be allocated before calling this function.

This function is can only be used for a sparsematrix descending of a discretization with FEM and a hierarchical matrix with admissible blocks, which only content zero entries (i.e. no storage is allocated for the rank k matrices).
spsource matrix.
hmtarget matrix.
void del_hmatrix ( phmatrix  hm)

Delete a hmatrix object.

Releases the storage corresponding to the object. If this hmatrix contains pointers to submatrices, the submatrices are released by unref_hmatrix.

Only objects with hm->refs==0 may be deleted.

hmObject to be deleted.
void draw_cairo_hmatrix ( cairo_t *  cr,
pchmatrix  hm,
bool  storage,
uint  levels 

Draw a hierarchical matrix.

Draw a hierarchical matrix with cairo, optionally the levels can be limited and the strorage of the blocks can be shown.

crCairo drawing context.
hmThis hierarchical matrix will be drawn.
storageIf staorage is true, the storage of the blocks in the hierarchical matrix will be shown.
levelsNumber of levels of the blockclustertree, which will be drawn.
phmatrix* enumerate_hmatrix ( pcblock  b,
phmatrix  hm 

Enumerate hmatrix according to block tree.

The hmatrix submatrices are enumerated in an array of size b->desc. The enumeration starts with 0 assigned to the root and then proceeds column-wise starting with b->sons[0] corresponding to the entries 1 to b->sons[0]->desc in the array and ending with b->sons[rsons*csons-1] corresponding to the last b->sons[rsons*csons-1]->desc entries.

bBlock tree.
hmMatrix matching the block structure given by b.
Array of size b->desc containing pointers to the hmatrix objects corresponding to descendants of hm.
void fastaddeval_hmatrix_avector ( field  alpha,
pchmatrix  hm,
pcavector  xp,
pavector  yp 

Matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A x$.

The matrix is multiplied by the source vector $x$, the result is scaled by $\alpha$ and added to the target vector $y$.

alphaScaling factor $\alpha$.
hmMatrix $A$.
xpSource vector $x$ in cluster numbering with respect to hm->cc.
ypTarget vector $y$ in cluster numbering with respect to hm->rc.
void fastaddevalsymm_hmatrix_avector ( field  alpha,
pchmatrix  hm,
pcavector  xp,
pavector  yp 

Matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A x$ with symmetric matrix $A$.

The matrix is multiplied by the source vector $x$, the result is scaled by $\alpha$ and added to the target vector $y$. Only the lower triangular part of $A$ is used.

alphaScaling factor $\alpha$.
hmMatrix $A$.
xpSource vector $x$ in cluster numbering with respect to hm->cc.
ypTarget vector $y$ in cluster numbering with respect to hm->rc.
void fastaddevaltrans_hmatrix_avector ( field  alpha,
pchmatrix  hm,
pcavector  xp,
pavector  yp 

Adjoint matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A^* x$.

The matrix is multiplied by the source vector $x$, the result is scaled by $\alpha$ and added to the target vector $y$.

alphaScaling factor $\alpha$.
hmMatrix $A$.
xpSource vector $x$ in cluster numbering with respect to hm->rc.
ypTarget vector $y$ in cluster numbering with respect to hm->cc.
uint getcols_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  a)

Get the number of columns of a hmatrix $A$.

aMatrix $A$.
Number of columns of $A$.
size_t getfarsize_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  hm)

Get size of the farfield part of a given hmatrix object.

hm$\mathcal{H}$-matrix object.
Size of allocated storage for farfield in bytes.
size_t getnearsize_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  hm)

Get size of the nearfield part of a given hmatrix object.

hm$\mathcal{H}$-matrix object.
Size of allocated storage for nearfield in bytes.
uint getrows_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  a)

Get the number of rows of a hmatrix $A$.

aMatrix $A$.
Number of rows of $A$.
size_t getsize_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  hm)

Get size of a given hmatrix object.

hm$\mathcal{H}$-matrix object.
Size of allocated storage in bytes.
void identity_hmatrix ( phmatrix  hm)

Fill a hmatrix with an identity matrix.

The diagonals entries will be set to one and all other entries will be set to zero. Offdiagonal admissible blocks are set to rank-0-matrices.

hmhmatrix to be filled with the identity matrix.
phmatrix init_hmatrix ( phmatrix  hm,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc 

Initialize a hmatrix object.

hmhmatrix object to be initialized.
rcRow cluster of current hmatrix.
ccColumn cluster of current hmatrix.
Initialized hmatrix object.
void mvm_hmatrix_avector ( field  alpha,
bool  atrans,
pchmatrix  a,
pcavector  x,
pavector  y 

Matrix-vector multiplication $y \gets y + \alpha A x$ or $y \gets y + \alpha A^* x$.

The matrix or its adjoint is multiplied by the source vector $x$, the result is scaled by $\alpha$ and added to the target vector $y$.

alphaScaling factor $\alpha$.
atransSet if $A^*$ is to be used instead of $A$.
aMatrix $A$.
xSource vector $x$.
yTarget vector $y$.
phmatrix new_full_hmatrix ( pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc 

Create a new hmatrix object representing a standard dense matrix.

Allocates storage for the object containing an amatrix object.

Should always be matched by a call to del_hmatrix. This call happens automatically if the last object referencing this object (see ref_hmatrix) is deleted.
rcRow cluster.
ccColumn cluster.
New hmatrix object containing a new amatrix.
phmatrix new_hmatrix ( pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc 

Create a new hmatrix object.

Allocates storage for the object and sets the matrix pointers to NULL, representing a zero matrix.

Should always be matched by a call to del_hmatrix. This call happens automatically if the last object referencing this object (see ref_hmatrix) is deleted.
rcRow cluster.
ccColumn cluster.
New hmatrix object.
phmatrix new_rk_hmatrix ( pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
uint  k 

Create a new hmatrix object representing a low-rank matrix.

Allocates storage for the object containing an rkmatrix object.

Should always be matched by a call to del_hmatrix.
rcRow cluster.
ccColumn cluster.
New hmatrix object containing a new rkmatrix.
phmatrix new_super_hmatrix ( pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc,
uint  rsons,
uint  csons 

Create a new hmatrix object representing a subdivided matrix.

Allocates storage for the object representing a matrix with submatrices. The submatrices are initialized with NULL pointers and have to be set up with ref_hmatrix.

Should always be matched by a call to del_hmatrix. This call happens automatically if the last object referencing this object (see ref_hmatrix) is deleted.
rcRow cluster.
ccColumn cluster.
rsonsNumber of block rows.
csonsNumber of block columns.
New hmatrix object with submatrices.
real norm2_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  H)

Approximate the spectral norm $\|H\|_2$ of a matrix $H$.

The spectral norm is approximated by applying a few steps of the power iteration to the matrix $H^* H$ and computing the square root of the resulting eigenvalue approximation.

HHierarchical matrix $H$.
Approximation of $\|H\|_2$.
real norm2diff_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  a,
pchmatrix  b 

Approximate the spectral norm $\|A-B\|_2$ of the difference of two matrices $A$ and $B$.

The spectral norm is approximated by applying a few steps of the power iteration to the matrix $(A-B)^* (A-B)$ and computing the square root of the resulting eigenvalue approximation.

aHierarchical matrix $A$.
bHierarchical matrix $B$.
Approximation of $\|A-B\|_2$.
void random_hmatrix ( phmatrix  hm,
uint  kmax 

Fill a hmatrix with random field values. The maximal rank for admissible leaves is determined by kmax.

hmhmatrix to be filled with random values.
kmaxMaximal rank for admissble leaves. Random values may lead to a rank lower than kmax.
phmatrix read_cdf_hmatrix ( const char *  name,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc 

Read a matrix from a NetCDF file.

This function constructs a new hmatrix object using data read from a NetCDF file.

If row and column cluster trees are provided by setting rc and cc, these clusters will be used. If null pointers are given, the function will reconstruct suitable cluster trees from the matrix structure.

nameName of the source file.
rcRow cluster for the matrix, may be null.
ccColumn cluster for the matrix, may be null.
Hierarchical matrix.
phmatrix read_cdfcomplete_hmatrix ( const char *  name)

Read hmatrix from NetCDF file, including cluster trees.

nameFile name.
hmatrix read from file.
phmatrix read_cdfpart_hmatrix ( int  nc_file,
const char *  prefix,
pccluster  rc,
pccluster  cc 

Read a matrix from a NetCDF file.

This function constructs a new hmatrix object using data read from an already open NetCDF file. The names of all dimensions and variables are prefixed with the string prefix in order to allow us to store multiple objects in the same file.

If row and column cluster trees are provided by setting rc and cc, these clusters will be used. If null pointers are given, the function will reconstruct suitable cluster trees from the matrix structure.

nc_fileHandle of the NetCDF file.
prefixString to be put in front of names of dimensions and variables.
rcRow cluster for the matrix, may be null.
ccColumn cluster for the matrix, may be null.
Hierarchical matrix.
phmatrix read_hlib_hmatrix ( const char *  filename)

Read a matrix from an ASCII file in the old HLib format.

Since HLib does not store cluster trees, this function has to reconstruct them from available data. It will always use one-dimensional trees with no permutation.
filenameName of the source file.
Hierarchical matrix reconstructed from file.
phmatrix read_hlibsymm_hmatrix ( const char *  filename)

Read a symmetric matrix from an ASCII file in the old HLib format.

Since HLib does not store cluster trees, this function has to reconstruct them from available data. It will always use one-dimensional trees with no permutation.
filenameName of the source file.
Hierarchical matrix reconstructed from file.
void ref_hmatrix ( phmatrix ptr,
phmatrix  hm 

Set a pointer to a hmatrix object, increase its reference counter, and decrease reference counter of original pointer target.

ptrPointer to the phmatrix variable that will be changed.
hmhmatrix that will be referenced.
void uninit_hmatrix ( phmatrix  hm)

Uninitialize a hmatrix object.

Releases the storage corresponding to the object. If this hmatrix contains pointers to submatrices, the submatrices are released by unref_hmatrix.

Only objects with hm->refs==0 may be deleted.

hmObject to be uninitialized.
void unref_hmatrix ( phmatrix  hm)

Reduce the reference counter of a hmatrix object.

If the reference counter reaches zero, the object is deleted.

Use ref_hmatrix with hm=NULL instead, since this guarantees that the pointer is properly invalidated.
hmhmatrix that will be unreferenced.
void update_hmatrix ( phmatrix  hm)

Complete the initialisation of a hmatrix object.

Complete the initialisation of the hmatrix object after all sons have been initialised. The number of the descendants of the H-matrix is computed from the desc fields of its sons.

hmH-matrix to be completed.
void write_cdf_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  G,
const char *  name 

Write a matrix into a NetCDF file.

GHierarchical matrix.
nameName of the target file.
void write_cdfcomplete_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  G,
const char *  name 

Write hmatrix to NetCDF file, including cluster trees.

nameFile name.
void write_cdfpart_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  G,
int  nc_file,
const char *  prefix 

Write a matrix into a NetCDF file.

This function takes an already open NetCDF file and adds the matrix to it, prefixing all dimensions and variables with the given string prefix. This allows us to store multiple objects in the same file.

GHierarchical matrix.
nc_fileHandle of the NetCDF file.
prefixString to be put in front of names of dimensions and variables.
void write_hlib_hmatrix ( pchmatrix  G,
const char *  filename 

Write a matrix into an ASCII file in the old HLib format.

GHierarchical matrix.
filenameName of the target file.